Chapter 39 - End Of Hostilities

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Kneeling beside my lifeless body, my sister glanced at Rosalind, who seemed to be asleep among the vines, and then at me.

"Maybe we could give her Rosalind's life force, don't you think?" she suggested.

"That would be a good idea, so no one has to risk their life," approved Kat, who was still in shock.

I had assured her that Rosalind would not separate us, but fate had decided otherwise, and I was angry at myself for making a false promise.

"No, Rosalind's life force is negative and would corrupt her," refused Saul, who was examining me. "She could take the opportunity to make her as evil as she is."

My mom approached me again, with an idea in mind.

"I think Bloom can heal the wound with the Dragon Flame, and I'm willing to give my life force to save her," she affirmed firmly.

"Mom, you can't sacrifice your life like that, we all need you," my sister protested, afraid of losing her.

And she was right, I wouldn't trade my life for my mom's. I couldn't live without her, I'd rather she let me go.

"Farah...," Saul said reproachfully, placing his hand on her arm.

"Jade has to live, Saul, she's my daughter and she's only going to be seventeen," my mom insisted authoritatively, pulling away hostilely.

"You're right," my grandma acquiesced. "That's why I'll sacrifice myself in your place. I'm the eldest here, it's my turn."

No! Not her! I couldn't let her die in my place, she who had raised me and loved me all those years. She was the only vestige I had left of my childhood, I couldn't let her do that.

"I have an idea, everyone should give some of their strength to Bloom so that she can heal Jade as soon as possible," offered Aisha, stepping forward.

It was a simple idea that hadn't occurred to anyone before my roommate.

My mom nodded her head in agreement, and everyone put a hand on Bloom's back and shoulders, except Beatrix and Terra, who were watching Rosalind. The fire fairy placed both hands on my burn and focused. I saw the burn gradually subside and then disappear completely.

Suddenly, I opened my eyes, with eight faces staring at me, and they lit up as I woke up. I was back in my body, I was not in pain anywhere, I was alive!

"Honey! You're alive!" my mom exclaimed as she hugged me euphorically.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I was so moved to see her like this, who had suffered so much in the last few moments.

"I really thought we were losing you," added my grandma, who imitated my mom, while Saul was looking at us affectionately.

I enjoyed the moment, I could feel their heartbeats close to my chest, I was so happy to have them back, that they had not lost their lives for mine.

They made way for Bloom and the girls who were also eager to support me.

"We missed you," Musa admitted with a sad smile.

"Following Kat wasn't exactly a piece of cake, she was so upset when your link was lost," sighed Stella jokingly.

I glanced over my friend's shoulder: my Specialist was standing three metres away, waiting to be alone with me. She had felt me die, and she had found me, hoping to save my life.

"You were great against Rosalind," Aisha congratulated me. "Your wings appeared when you were in a coma, and you were able to take control of that shrew despite everything. Without you, we wouldn't have made it."

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