When she spotted him, he was dangling from an electrical wire above the group. In a moment, Shoto was caught and hanging from the same wires as Momo ran. He then placed caltrops under where Shoto was, before going after Momo.

Y/n floated over and pulled out her pocket knife, cutting him free and catching him before he could fall onto the caltrops.

"We should've discussed a plan beforehand. I assumed this would have happened." Y/n sighed, bringing him down to safe ground.

"Thank you." Shoto said, and Y/n shrugged as she became visible again.

"Now, he's going to catch he quickly, so what should we do?" Y/n said, running in the direction on Momo and Aizawa. "There is always the option i turn invisible and escape."

"No, i want to beat him without running." Shoto said, following beside her.

Suddenly Momo came out of the distance, Aizawa following shortly behind.

"Whats the plan Momo!" Y/n shouted, stopping as she analyzed Aizawa.

"Run, get out of his field of vision!" She said, still running. Y/n nodded, turning and running along with her.

Aizawa sent his scarf towards them, and Y/n turned with her knife in hand, allowing her left wrist to get caught. She then tugged on it, making him unstable. Y/n quickly freed herself, and while Aizawa wasn't watching her, she became invisible.

Todoroki then made an ice wall, blocking Aizawa. Y/n phased through it to meet up with her group. Momo was creating a version of Aizawas restraint scarf.

They found the perfect moment and "escaped" using black cloaks and mannequins, disguising the catapult with the scarf under it.

When Aizawa went to grab them, Momo used the chance and launched the scarf at him, creating a screen of sorts. Shoto then used his flames at the scarfs to harden them.

Y/n used the scarf shield and jumped behind, cuffing Aizawas hands right as the scarf tightened around him. The flames got the top of her palm, burning it slightly.

She ignored the pain and landed on the ground next to the captured Aizawa, a proud look on her face.

"Good job, Momo. That was amazing." She smiled, hiding her left hand in her pocket.

The buzzer blared and after cleaning up Y/n walked off, pulling her hand out to get a look at the burn. It wasn't too bad, only a surface burn. It would leave a faint scar though.


As Y/n was walking through the halls to leave for the day, she stopped by recovery girls office and took a roll of bandages to wrap her burn with. She technically could just ask her to heal it, but Y/n hated the idea of recovery girl kissing her just to heal a silly little burn.

"Today was fun, Y/n." Shoto popped out of no where, startling her as she was finishing up wrapping her injury. He noticed, "how did you get hurt?"

"Its nothing, it's just a scratch." She shrugged, tucking her hand away again.

"Did you get hurt during the exam? You should've gotten recovery girl to heal it." He said, and Y/n shook her head.

"Its fine." She said dismissively, "i'll see you tomorrow, Sho."

Y/n got into the back of Hiroko's car, knowing Keigo was too busy to pick her up.

"You seem agitated, miss L/n, did something happen during the exams?" Hiroko asked from the drivers seat, glancing into the back seats where she sat.

"No, everything is alright. Just drive home Hiro." Y/n said, pulling her phone out. Hiroko nodded, and drove off.

The ride home was silent, as she scrolled through instagram. When she got home, she immediately went up to her room.

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