Chapter 3: Unwanted visitors

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It was an early morning and Laxus was doing his morning practice – it was just him running around, following some trails and then punching some bags and things like that – and after that he went back to the house.

"Morning", he grunted when getting inside, seeing Mirajane cleaning the bar counter while Lisanna was cleaning the tables and floor.

"Good morning, Laxus", Mirajane smiled. "Did you see anything unusual while out?"

"Nothing, like hell something unusual would happen here", Laxus snorted and wiped some sweat with a towel. "Is Elfman taking care of the horses?"

"Yes, they'll be ready once Goldmine arrives", Lisanna assured.

"Then I hope Gramps is awake."

"Of course, he's making sure he has everything he needs with him."

"Good, the quicker they leave, less I need to look at that old dog", Laxus grunted.

He didn't really hate Goldmine or anything, it was just that when the two old man got together they started remembering "good old days" and then it just got really annoying to listen to them. Not to mention Goldmine was just as bad with alcohol as Makarov so they both got loud and thought they were so funny when telling their old man jokes one after another.

It was really annoying. Though when he was a kid he did really enjoy listening to Makarov, Goldmine and Bob talking together of their days in Fairy Tail Inn. When they were young they had all been working in there and in a way it felt like they were part of their family too. In a very weird way.

Laxus heard steps from the stairs and he looked at the tiny old man who was coming downstairs, carrying his luggage with him.

"Oh, good morning Laxus", Makarov smiled.

"Gramps", Laxus said. "You got everything you need?"

"Yes, no need to worry about me, my boy! I got my swimming trunks, sunglasses -"

"Your medicine?"

"I don't know what you're talking about", Makarov said when placing his luggage near the entrance.

"Your medicine the doctor gave you to take every day", Laxus said rolling his eyes. "I'm working my ass off so you can have your medicine so you better take them."

"When have you been working your ass off? You don't even know what real hard work means", Makarov said, though he didn't really mean that and he knew Laxus knew it. It was just fun to try and rile Laxus up a bit.

"You better take those medicine with you or I'll cancel the whole trip", Laxus threatened with a frown and Makarov laughed.

"Don't worry, they're in my luggage", the old man assured patting Laxus' arm. "I know you've been working hard son – you all have – and you know I appreciate everything you've done to us. Don't worry too much, we'll have some good time with Goldmine."

"Somehow I don't think I need to worry about that..." Laxus growled and he could imagine those two old farts sitting on a beach and looking at chicks in their tiny swimsuits.

"Hmm-m, yes, it will be marvelous", Makarov nodded with a tint of pink on his cheeks.

"Whatever just make sure to go through those treatments I paid for, it's for your own good", Laxus said and he went up the stairs so he could take a shower. He knew Makarov was just teasing him but damn it annoyed him anyway if not even more because he knew it.

They had breakfast all together and not long after that the door opened revealing an old man wearing a black coat and a black old hat.

"Wild", he smirked while touching his sunglasses and his spiked collars on his hat and around his neck were shining like he had just polished them.

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