Mission 1

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×××××Eggman's Dungeon×××××

/////??? Point of View/////

"Amy, where are you? You're suppose to be here. Please I need you." I cried hopelessly.

My neck was chained so do my hands and feet. I'm caged in a small room or even more so fitting to say jail. I'm filled with wounds and bruises.

I tried escaping but I can't! It was getting hopeless as each and every day pass by. Did Amy forgot about me? Is she planning to get me out of here?

I looked around in the place and saw other animals locked up in a cage. Others were in a huge tube-like tanks. We're being experimented like slaves.

I heard the little animals squeak trying to say help as they all shiver in fear.

As for me, Doctor forces me to drink a chemical liquid every hour. I can feel all the changes happening to me but I can't do anything to stop it.

Could life be hard like this?

............................................................. Maybe it's a yes.

/////Amy's Point of View/////

"Okay, I'm in." I called Tails in the headphone.

"That's great. You're in ventilation 34 while your friend is in 87." He answered as his voice faded and the signal was weak.

"87?! Oh come on! Shadow, can you take us there?" I asked as Shadow glared at me.

"I'm don't think so. I feel weak because of the air we breathe in." He responded as he cough lightly. "Oh, forgot to mention to you that I have no chaos emerald in hand. Doctor, took all 7." He added.

"Oh..." I uttered.

That coward! He really thinks that we are experiment to test! When I get my hands on him, I'll really make him pay!

"Think you can handle 1,359 lasers in every ventilation?" Tails asked.

"Maybe, I'm guessing we have to go halls to halls rather than ventilation to ventilation." I sweat drop as Shadow took the lead.

He opened up a tunnel as we enter one of the hallways.

"That's much better." He commented as he dusted off the dirt.

"Think you con handle those cameras?" I asked as I pointed a CCTV Camera in a corner.

"With pleasure." He answered and dashed off to destroy the cameras in the hallway.

"Nice shot, Shadow." I exclaimed and ran.

I stopped when I saw a sign in an door named "Chaos Energy Laboratory 3.07"

"What's the matter, Dark?" Shadow stopped in front of the door and soon observed it.

"I have a feeling that this is where Eggman hides the chaos emerald." I answered then held my earphones. "Hey, Tails. Can you detect any large amount of energy coming from this room?" I asked.

"Apparently, yes. Very large, by the way. According to my research, it can blow up a whole planet." He answered.

"Hmm..... Alright, we're going in. We'll just check the place out and get some emeralds." I replied then made a signal to Shadow.

Shadow then proceeded in kicking the door and it busted open.

"Wew! Look at this place. Magnificent contraption, though." I said while looking up to a huge machine.

"I feel like my energy getting is stronger and stronger while we get close. This must be the place where Doctor keeps the emeralds. We gotta get them before he comes. I have a feeling that any minute now, he's going to enter this room." Shadow suggested.

I nodded as a reply. I pointed where I can track the emeralds. He then took off both of his inhabitor rings.

"Hey, Shadow. What are you doing? That's the only thing you can use for your energy!" I exclaimed worriedly.

"Sorry, Dark. But I have to use it for a while." He said then continued using the rings and shouted the words "CHAOS SPEER!!!"

The machine was destroyed and the alarms started ringing. Everything was red. Shadow grab the seven emeralds then drag me.

"W-wait! Shadow! I'm haven't rescued-" He cut me off while I started running.

"Dark, we'll rescue her next time. It's better to destroy that weapon before anything gets worse." He said while holding me tight.

I started to held back my tears.

Suddenly, I felt a metal object pulling me feet making held into Shadow tighter.

"Dark, hold on!" He exclaimed as our grips loosen a bit.

"Shadow, I can't hold on anymore." I cried as I was drag in a lower place.

As the grip loosen, I grew weaker and weaker as my wounds opened and blood drip in the floor.

"Shadow, promise me that you'll save Marshmallow and the other Mobians. Promise that." I gave a weak smile then I finally let go of him as I was drag underground.

Looks like Mission 1 failed. We'll Amy ever come out alive or not?

/////Author's Note/////
>0< Sorry if it's a bit short guys. Just busy for the past few days. Hope you like it!

Vote, comment, follow or whatever. :)

Btw, please read my new book; http://w.tt/1IX3Roa

It's filled with my randomness. :3

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