0 | Unhinged Author Notes

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Hello, and welcome back to: When You End Up Rewriting An Insane and Unhinged Fic And Somehow Make It Worse—or, as it's most commonly known as, "Are you fucking with me right now?"

Seriously, who gave me permission to write? This fic, was literally the weirdest things I have ever written and I've been ignoring it for over a year now due to the cringy writing. I mean, the literal first and second sentences of this fic didn't even go together! If you're wondering why I haven't been updating any of my ongoing works, it's because I've been too busy cringing over this one, I apologize.

I debated re-writing this because, honestly, as painful as it was to read, I'm still proud of younger me for having the courage to post it. Good for you Little-Me! Still makes me want to punch you, though. I did not expect this to get any crazier, but in hindsight, I probably should have. I hope y'all still like it, I've added a bit more dramatic flair and Mad-As-The-March-Hare-And-Hatter-ish stuff.

For any of y'all who actually liked the old version—which, first of all, why?—or just want to compare it, you can find the old version in the external link. Also, here's the meme down below which this fic was based off of incase you've never seen it before, though it isn't required to understand the fic, or so I hope.

 Also, here's the meme down below which this fic was based off of incase you've never seen it before, though it isn't required to understand the fic, or so I hope

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