"Just as I foresaw."

Frowning, Merlin overlooked the child in the bed. While he hated to force someone so young into a position that nobody should ever have to be put in, it was inevitable for the kid to be in it. Izuku Midoriya had been the centre of this play since before he took on the mantle.

To be forced to be a Saviour was a weight that nobody should have to bear.

"I wish I could save you from the pain that is to come, but I can't. My hands can only stop so much, and I have done all I can. I hope you can pull through."

All Merlin could do now was watch, and wait and pray to the weavers of Fate that Izuku Midoriya survives what was to come next.

Grunting, Izuku pulled himself up off the bed, mumbling to himself, or more to the lightning flickering across his form.

"Alright, alright. I'm up. I'm up. You can stop it."

Stretching, Izuku let out a satisfied groan as his muscles worked after being idle for a bit, feeling them unwind and then ready themselves. Patting his abdomen, Izuku blinked in confusion; being on the run for so long forced him to ignore the biting hunger that ate at him from within. Yet, it was gone now, he no longer felt its hungry rumble.

No matter, all it meant was he was ready to begin training and gathering his allies.

Departing his room, Izuku walked down the white halls of the hospital; they were damaged, some broken and many in a state of repair. It had been attacked recently, obviously, and Izuku felt terrible for anyone that may have been trapped inside, a quick prayer was all he could do for the lost souls, and a promise of justice for them.

But for all the damage, the place was bustling with life, people hustling and darting about, nurses and doctors working and scurrying about helping people, with heroes and the like around to protect and provide comfort for the people within; they, without a doubt, were traumatised, from the attack or the collapse, it was hard to say, but the fact remained these people needed the comfort the heroes provided.

It warmed Izuku's heart to see the heroes being actual heroes, just helping for the sake of helping, and not for the money and fame behind being a hero.

Once again, the lightning One for All produced flickered across his skin and he blinked. One for All hadn't done this before. Why was it acting up now all of a sudden?

What had caused such a radical change within One for All?

Groaning, Toshinori felt something clasp around his wrists before hands, cold hands, gripped his arms and began to drag him out; blue eyes, too exhausted to move, sluggishly blinked open taking in what they could for Toshinori to interpret.

Around his wrists were some bizarre, damn near medieval style, handcuffs that were attached together by a huge bar of steel, connecting both his wrists onto cuffs. Gingerly, Toshinori tried to use his skinny form to try and wiggle out of the cuffs, only for them to begin to grip harder than before.

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