👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Grimes x reader👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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Oneshot #5

A/n you're Carl's twin sibling

Y/n's POV

We were following Carol somewhere, she said she had a surprise for me, Carl, Rick and Sasha so I'm very curious. We walk up this hill and I see this little shack. The door opens and I see Tyreese. Sasha immediately starts running to him. Then I see that he's carrying something. I try to focus my eyes to see what it is.

"Is he holding a baby-" I ask out loud until I realize that he's holding Judith

Me, Carl and Rick immediately start running over there with tears flowing down our cheeks. Rick takes her in his hands and kisses her forehead. While Rick was holding Judith me and Carl hug each other while we cry from happiness

"Can I have her" I ask Rick

He nods and hands me Judith. Carl and him hug while crying.

"Thank you so much, Tyreese" I say

"You're welcome but I wouldn't have been able to get here without Carol" he says

"I'll make sure to thank her as well" I say with a smile

I hand Judith to Carl because he wanted to hold her

"Thank you, Carol" Rick says

"Yes thank you so much" I say

"You're both very welcome" she says with a smile

I look over to Carl who is trying not to cry anymore while holding Judith

I laugh a little

"What's so funny" Rick says while looking down at me

"It's funny seeing Carl trying not to cry... his face looks so weird" I say laughing even harder

Rick starts laughing a little as well

"What?" We hear from Carl which makes us laugh even more

"I'm glad our family is back together" I say

"Me too Y/n, me too" he says while patting my back

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