Macy's Blue Eyes.

Start from the beginning

I nodded, taking the clipboard from her grasp and a pen. Whatever it was, she sure doesn't want to talk about. I shrugged it off, for now, and pushed the long strands of beads aside as I entered the back room. There used to be a door where the beads are, but it was too dark and heavy for Macy's liking so she removed it and added decoration at the doorway instead.

An hour later, I was almost done with the inventory sheet. Macy walked in, admiring my work. "Is everything correct?" She asked. I nodded.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, staring at her. It wasn't until now that I took a full look at her. She looked so frail, so tiny. She seemed to be slouching more than usual, her eyes had bags under them showing signs of weariness, and most importantly, they were a bit puffy as if she did or was about to cry. "Was it that guy? What did he want?"

"He just wanted some information, that's all. I couldn't give him much, though, since it wasn't for me to say," she explained, shrugging her shoulders as if it was nothing big, but I could've sworn I heard her mumble, "he wasn't too happy about that."

"Information about what?" I asked, once again. 

"You." She admitted, glancing down at her feet.  I didn't reply, instead I let my mind race with its puzzled and bewildered thoughts. Why did he want my information? I was about to ask more questions, but she changed the subject as she did earlier.

"Dear, if you don't mind, I forgot to do inventory on the the new merchandise. Would you do it for me? I forgot my reading glasses at home and the letters on the list are too small for me to read."

I blinked. Once. Twice.My eyes warily glanced at Macy. Was she alright? She smiled politely at me, her eyes catching my attention. My eyes widened and I gasped, but she didn't seem to notice since her eyes wandered about the room. Her eyes. For a second they weren't the same hazel eyes I've always seen, but instead, they flashed a bright, icy blue. It reminded me of how Jared's eyes changed color the other night. Maybe it was just my mind playing tricks on me...

"Is everything alright, Eryn?"

"It's-It's just've already asked me to do inventory an hour ago. I just finished." I explained, concern in my voice.

She chuckled lightly, shaking her head as if scolding herself. "Oh, silly me. It must be my age getting to me again." Then, she walked out of the room and into the store to greet the customers that had just entered. I decided to then shrug it off and followed behind her as well.

"Oh, Eryn. Your like the daughter I never had," Macy smiled after I finished ranting to her about a customer that had just left. "Sometimes, I even think of you as one of my own."

I smiled back at her. "I do too." She then pulled me into a tight hug,"even Henry thinks of you as his little sister." I chuckled at her comment. I don't talk to Henry a lot, but when I do, Macy always claims that we sometimes get along and bicker as if we were brother and sister. 


Everything was going as usual. Macy and I would talk about pointless things, and she would ask about Bruce as she did every time. I always reply saying that he's doing well, since he always is. "And how's Logan, Dear?" She asked out of the blue.

My heart skipped a beat. I've never once mentioned to her about Logan. How did she know? It wasn't as if anybody who knew about it talked to her recently. Unless, Bruce told her...behind my back, to find out more about Logan. Maybe, that's it, I thought to myself. "He's doing good, actually." I replied, placing a loose strand of my hair back behind my ear.

But as I continued to talk with Macy, my mind began to race once again. Macy is like a mother to me, and when you're close to someone, you know when they're upset, happy, or somethings wrong. In this case, something was wrong. First Jared, and now Macy... Either I'm going crazy and seeing things or something big- something strange- is going on. Which one is it?


                                              I'm going with the latter.

Yay, while writing this chapter, there are now 2 more vote until I reach 200. ^.^ Anyways, this chapter wasn't really a filler, even though it may have seemed like it... What do you think of Macy? Is Eryn going nuts, as Loki claims her to be most of the time, or is...there maybe something fishy going on?  Please leave your thoughts below! I love & appreciate the comments you guys give this story, <3 (p.s sorry for any grammar or spelling errors. I'll fix them tomorrow.)

OH & remember that story I talked to you guys about in the last chapter, The Lost Princess of Asgard...? Well, I couldn't help myself so I posted it up. It's on my profile or you can reach it through the external link, please take a look at it if you haven't check it out already!

Thank you, <3 :D

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