You were obviously stunned but soon regained your cold face and instantly sat on the edge of the wall. After making sure you were sitting on the edge of the wall completely, Taehyung used his long legs as a benefit and jumped higher to climb on the edge of the wall beside you.

Then you saw him swiftly jumping on the other side and then spreading his arms, just like earlier, to catch you. This time you decided to show no attitude and obediently jumped on him and he catched you effortlessly.
"What are you doing?" You asked confusedly as you buckled your seatbelt after both of you were in his car.

"You will see it yourself." You sat pateintly beside him and he he inserted the flash drive in his laptop before fiddling with some files.

"So, Mina told you that someone deleted the CCTV footage of that night? Right?" You irritatedly glared at him, "How many times do I have to answer this?" Taehyung awkwardly pursed his lips and lowered his head before giving you his laptop, "Take a look at these."
The first footage was of the entrance of the club, where you could see Taehyung walking inside with a very bad mood. The next clip was of a man entering inside the club. At first you didn't recognised him but then you quickly paused it and zoomed on his face, only to find it was Seojoon, Mina's fiancé.
When you clicked next, the next clip was you and Taeri entering inside the club. Then the next clip was you and Taeri carrying the drunk Taehyung till the car, but then Taeri got a call and went back inside the club, while you took Taehyung with yourself in his car.

The next clip was, Mina entering inside the club. Your eyes widened the moment you saw her. You instantly paused the video and zoomed the screen to clarify that it was really Mina.

How can it be? Didn't she told you she was out of town with her fiancé when all of this happened? You continued to click next and the next footage you see was two guys carrying you in their arms and taking you back inside the club.

You covered your mouth to suppress the loud gasp while the tears still escaped from your widened eyes as you noticed this is how you were shifted inside the club again. The next clip was of inside the club. You could see Mina washing her blood stained hands in the washbasin outside the girl's bathroom while her fiancé stood behind her stiffly.

When she turned around, she looked no different from a psycho killer. Her face was also splashed with blood drops and she was dead serious as she glared at her fiance who looked here and there silently.

Then after talking, both of them were seen entering inside the bathroom and then they didn't came back. You understood they probably flew away from the windows in bathroom.

The next clip was again of the entrance where you could see Taehyung entering inside with cops. Then whatever happened, you were a witness of it so you didn't had to see anything else.

The file closed and the screen became blank, just like your mind. You couldn't make out whatever happened that night after seeing those videos, but the thing you were now certain of was that Mina lied.

She had been lying to ever since the start. Not just her, her fiancé was also involved in Taeri's murder case. When you saw her cleaning her blood stained hands, you were sure that it was actually Mina who stabbed Taeri that night.

But why? Who called Taeri that night that she prioritised that person more than Taehyung who was drunk? And why did Mina killed her? What does she had to do with Taeri?

"Here…" you came out of your daze when a white, clean and slightly scented handkerchief came in front of your face. You tilted your head to glance at him who was looking at you with teary eyes and pursed lips, as if resisting to do something that might anger you.

You knew he wanted to hug you. So does what you wanted him to do. But the current situation between the two of you was stopping you and him to take any step closer to each other that might again create another chain of misunderstandings.

You silently took the handkerchief from him and wiped your tears. "This… what does this mean? How can she..?"
Your throat choked as you tried hard to supress your tears while Taehyung beside you, clenched his fist on his thigh as he sighed and reached out to pat the back of your head. "That night, when you and Taeri were taking me to the car, Taeri got a call from her crush. Her crush, was Jeon Seojoon…" Taehyung nodded his head when he scanned your confused appearance.

"She didn't liked to tell everyone about her private life. Actually, I didn't know about it too but I knew that the one she liked was a businessman. Then, that night when he told her that he saw Taeri in the club taking me with her, Seojoon called her to come over to him. Taeri was very happy that her crush was finally approaching her so without thinking anything, she went back inside the club again." You calmly listened to whatever he was talking. As he continued to reveal everything, all your confusion seemed to be sorted out.

"Then, I don't know how Mina got to know that her fiance was cheating on her. She too came to the same club. When my parents got to know that Taeri was still inside the club, they send their hired man to kill Taeri. But when he reached, Mina had already killed Taeri because she caught her fiancé kissing Taeri. I also have footage of him taking advantage of Taeri's crush on him that night. In anger, Mina killed Taeri and then warned Seojoon that she can kill him too. He was a coward and was just playing with Taeri."

"After killing Taeri, they left her dead body in the club and sneaked away from the bathroom. While, the guy who was hired by my parents told them that Taeri was already killed. My parents were happy so they didn't cared whoever killed Taeri. Their plan was to get you and me into an accident and then shifting your unconscious body to the club so that they can blame everything to you. They knew you were the most easiest target they can use. No one would be there to defend you. So they did it."

"When I woke up after the accident, I remembered that you and I got in an accident. But, then I got a call from my mom and she told me that you have killed Taeri. I didn't knew anything so in anger when I reached the club, you were sitting there with a knife in your hands and Taeri was dead. So just like everyone, I also believed that it was indeed you who killed Taeri…" Taehyung guilitily glanced at you while you were staring down at your lap, still trying to process everything.

"If you already have so many proofs, then why did you send Jungkook to hide those cameras into Mina and Seojoon's house? You could have showed these footages to the court instead.." you asked confusedly.

"Well, this is all what I have analysed after watching all these videos. I still want Mina to confess her crime and I know she would bring that thing up in front of Seojoon anytime as the type of oppressive girlfriend she is. Once we record her voice, we will be able to prove you innocent…" since you were silent, Taehyung continued,
"Mina purposely chose to take over your case and get on your good books so that no one will doubt her. She used her money to hide all these footages from the court but thankfully I was able to get into touch with some of the honest police officer who told me that these footages were still inside the club's control room. Mina also knew about the conflicts of my family with Taeri. So she used it as a weapon to save herself and her fiancé and put all the blame on my parents…"

"And about my parents… I have already caught the man who was hired by them to kill Taeri. I have recorded his confession to later show to the court and punish them." You glanced at Taehyung who was this time avoiding eye contact with you. You knew you couldn't understand his pain right now.

First he lot his sister and got to know that it was actually his own parents who planned to kill her, and now he had to get them behind the bars. He must be feeling so pressured right now. You silently considered for awhile before reaching out to keep your palm over his clenched fist.

To be continued…

Written by @bangtanmenu

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