Hanahaki AU: Chapter 8 Part 1

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People, idk how to end this, so please, if it's crappy, it's just because of the lack of energy and ideas. Here is the last part, in it's own parts, because yours truly is terrifically lazy :P

3rd persons (Aru) POV:

Aru woke up to voices animatedly talking, and after a while, she could see two shadowy figures hovering over her. She looked around the unfamiliar room slowly, the silhouettes not noticing that she was awake. She noticed random things, like the video game posters and the dim blue lighting. In fact, the entire room was positively covered in blue, like Sonic had thrown up in there. The chair, the beanbag, even the freaking walls were different shades of blue. Her chest also felt far too tight for her liking, and the pain she had endured for the past fortnight was nothing compared to the intensity of it now. She then turned her focus back to the voices. Her befuddled mind at first couldn't understand what they were saying, but as she got used to her surroundings, she could vaguely understand what they were arguing over.

"No, that doesn't matter! She matters more, okay? Why the hell didn't you tell me?"

"Excuuuuuse me, but you were the one who cut ties with me in the first place, and secondly, why would you think that I didn't care about her? Of course I do! What do you take me for, an idiot?"

"Uh, yeah? Because she has Hanahaki! 'Cause of me! And you didn't tell me!"

"Why would I? It's not my secret to share!"


Aru cleared her throat pointedly at the pair, mainly because she couldn't bear the stupid arguing any longer. And then started choking uncontrollably. She held up her hand to the boys, signalling to them that she was fine, but the worry in their eyes were obvious. She took a few deep breaths, wincing at the pain blooming in her chest. She focused on the pair in front of her and their dumb argument.

Like, seriously? Can't a girl get a break from the drama? Though secretly, Aru was pleased to know that she was an important enough subject to be bickered over.

Also, she was kinda of terrified of Aiden in his current state. Though he and Jai were around the same height, Aiden seemed to be towering over Jai, his dark eyes even darker, giving the image that it was haunted. He had bags under his eyes as he hadn't slept for days. He had a thunderous expression on his face that immediately softened when he met her gaze. Jai looked down to the ground, clearly uncomfortable with the thick cloying tension that was hanging in the air. He shuffled out of the room and called back at them over his shoulder. There was a sadness in his eyes.

"Um, I'll, uh, leave you guys to it, I guess. If you need me or my parents, we're downstairs."

And then he left.

Aru stared at the bedroom door and let out a little hysterical giggle, only making her chest squeeze harder, unopened blooms falling out of her mouth this time. Aiden looked at her strangely, and she explained the reason behind her unprecedented laugh.

"I'm in Jai's room..."

"Yeah, so wh- oh."


An awkward silence descended once again, and Aru couldn't help but laughing again.

Aiden glanced at her, his questioning gaze back on his face.

"Deja vu," Aru said simply. "I always end up unconscious in a random bed and you always manage to make it just the two of us."

Aiden smiled at that and sighed. "Yeah, that's true." 

He immediately sobered up at that and gently took Aru's hand in his. 

"You don't have much time left, do you?" He asked softly.

Aru shook her head, the lump in her throat not letting her speak. She opened her mouth to say something again, but just then Aiden gasped, his eyes wide with fear and desperation. She tried to say something, but that only shortened the remaining number of breaths that she had left. Aiden quickly fumbled for something on the bedside table and shoved it in her face, and Aru's mind stopped. In the small handheld mirror that Aiden had grabbed, Aru could see down into her throat. She knew it was coming, but she still was completely thrown off guard by the sight.

Flowers, so many flowers, had bloomed, constricting her throat and were still blooming. It was going to be a bright and colourful demise, cheery yet dark at the same time. 

Death by flowers, Aru thought. What a way to go.

She threw the mirror aside as she looked into Aiden's eyes, the darkness crawling back into her vision for the last time. She mustered a small smile, watching the first tear slip down Aiden's face.

"I didn't expect to go like this," she spoke quietly, the action hurting her chest more and more. "Thought it'd be a bit flashier or something. Like burst into flames. But I guess Nikita would approve."

Aiden held on to her tightly, the tears uncontrollable and gushing torrents rushed down his cheeks.  

"No, no, no, no! Aru, please! Don't... don't leave me-"

"Tell them I love them. Especially my mom. And...

Aiden held his breath, bracing himself for what she was about to say next. He hoped it would be somewhere along the lines of a confession, so he knew for sure that what he said back in the tiny storage room to Kar was true, but-

"...I hope you and Kara have a good life together."

That was it. It shattered Aiden's heart to irreparable pieces, knowing the fact that Aru had believed that he had liked Kara, when along it was Aru who had stolen his heart.

The girl who word-vomited when they first met.

The girl who gave him advice on how to use that single love arrow for his mom.

The girl who was funny and sarcastic and had the biggest heart he had ever known.

And that very girl lay in front of him, dying.

All because of him.

The magnolia that was nestling inside her lungs burst and bloomed, travelling out of her lungs and out of her mouth, it's sweet cloying fragrance enveloping the room. It fed on her unrequited love and lost hopes and dreams.

Aiden, in an act of desperation, pressed his lips against hers, hoping for more time, hoping for one more chance. Aru smiled into the kiss gently as her eyes fluttered shut.

But it was too late.

"See you in the next life, Aiden."

And then Arundhati Krithika Shah's eyes closed for good.

Guys, this legit made me cry, and I know it made you guys cry as well, but PLEASE DON'T KILL ME. Part 2 of Chapter 8 should be out in a while.

Also, my only timeframe to update will be in the next three weeks, since I'll be vacationing for the summer holidays for the rest of the year, starting from the ninth.

See you soon!


Aru Shah Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن