"Love" is in the Air.

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Terra sighed as she walked into the Red Fountain school with Adain. "Did you like what you see?" He asked as Terra stared longingly. She was zoned out. She finally saw what Saladin had given her. 

Because she was zoned out she almost tripped over her feet, ever since she started both schools she made sure every second wasn't wasted, she hadn't noticed Oliver was waving at her from afar. 

Before falling she catches herself and Adain grabbed her arms. "Alright. Tell me what's up. I've known you for three days but this isn't you" 

"Saladin gave me something and I saw my mother. He gave it to me a while ago but I just saw it last night." She sighed. Her eyes were stuck on the sandy ground as Adain moved his hands down to her elbows. "Do you want to talk about it after class?" He asked. "No I have a date with Oliver" She smiled softly as she walked away. 

Adain balled his fist as they fell to his side. He glared to the side to see Oliver giving Terra a kiss. Before going to catch up with her he called Avalon. 

"Make it." was all he said before he hung up. 

Terra gave a short nod to Saladin as he gave her a sad frown. 


The training was about the same. Although now she doesn't train with Oliver, Sky, and the others. She's been spending more time with Adain and Oliver didn't like that so he made more and more gestures such as trying to bake, getting chocolates, and having Flora make a new flower in her name. 

Terra is grateful for the gift and the girls are jealous so much that Stella would scold Brandon for not doing the same.  

"Aww, He so sweet to take you out" Flora sighed as she was petting Lola. "Yeah, I wish someone could take me out" Musa sighed longly. 

"It's just a hang-out date, We're probably just going on a walk" Terra giggled as she grabbed her purse. She had on jean bell bottoms with a cropped no-sleeve turtle neck in a light blue color. She also borrowed one of Stella's blue chunky heels. 

"Bye girls" She winked. "Tell us the details tomorrow!" Bloom shouted. 

As soon as she closed the door she bumped into Oliver. "Sorry!" She shouted as he fell to the ground. "No it's alright" He chuckled as he took her hand that she gave him to help him. "What are you doing here?" She asked. 

Adain hands were in his pockets and he looked around. Terra pointed out that he almost looked guilty. "I need to speak to you in my office. It's important" 

"Right now?" She asked with a sigh. "I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't important" He chuckled nervously. "Fine" She nodded as she followed him. 

"Your hair looks lovely" She smiled. Her light pink hair was swept out of her face with a blue bow, only having two strands in her face and the rest was behind flowing about. "Thank you, I was on my way to a date with Oliver" She smiled. 

The plan was to meet up with Oliver but instead, she texted him saying she was going to be a bit late. In return, he threw his phone on the bed with a loud sigh. 

"What's up?" Riven asked from his chair. "Terra. She going to be late" He groaned as he sat at the edge of his bed. "So?"Riven asked. "Because of Adain" He growled. 

"I hate that guy" Riven groaned as he spun to face him.

"I know he has a thing for her but really? Stopping our date?" 

"I would jump him with you but I'm on thin ice with Saladin" Riven chuckled.


Terra sat down on the couch with a sigh. "I don't understand" "You took me here to confuse what?" She asked. "Well. One, That I love you, and two. I'm working with the Shadow Pheonix to kidnap you and Bloom for the Codex" 

Her throat went dry. His smile was evil it didn't help that it was pouring rain outside. Almost as like a massive storm was on its way. You could hear her panting as the lights went out. 

A small creak in the floor alarmed her that he was moving. "Terra Magic Winx!" 

As the two prepared for a fight Bloom gasped as her head popped up. "Terra! She's in trouble!" Bloom shouted as she sprinted out of the room. The rest followed and asked questions. "How do you know!?"Stella asked as Musa called Riven. 

"Riven! Where's Oliver and Terra?!" she asked. 

Riven shot up from his desking alarming Sky and the others that were now in the room. "Oliver left a little bit ago. What happened?" He asked. "Bloom says they're in trouble! Hurry!" With that, she hung. As the girls panted they passed and pushed through the girls in the courtyard only stopping to scan the area and ask the other students if she saw Terra. 

"Bloom says Oliver and Terra are in danger!" Riven shouted running out of the room. 

"Don't make any harsh movements Dear" Adain chuckled as a rope was around Terra's neck. 


"I'll save you the air. I just need you to stand there" She smiled as he poured a bag of pink dust onto his hands. Terra felt this feeling again. One similar to last year. 


She couldn't move, She couldn't breathe. She was hopeless. 

As Oliver stepped through the gates of Alfea he was quickly surrounded by Bloom and the others. "We thought Terra was with you!" Bloom shouted. "No, Adain stopped her and she said she was going to be late, What happened?" He asked growing worried. "No time to explain!" Tecna shouted as they ran into the building to find his office.

They busted through the door to find the place mess as the boys joined in. "What happened?!" Sky shouted. The desk was flipped over, the couch was torn into and ripped, and burned papers, broken glass on the floor due to the broken window, and some glasses. 

Tecna was quick to pull out a device and scan the place. "There are so many traces of Terra's magic and.." Tecna let out a gasp. "What? What is it?" Aisha asked. "Shadow creatures" Bloom gasped. 

"Like from your Mission?" Timmy asked. "Yes" Stella answered. 

"You don't think?" Oliver turned to Sky. 

"They kidnapped Terra" Flora cried. 

The Lost Princess (Season Two)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum