The mysterious Stone Pt.2

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It's a long one y'all !

Terra decided to sit down at the living room while the girls played around. She was still unsure about how she got her ice powers. Something wasn't right and she felt it.

"There are days when everything seems to go your way. This wasn't one of them" Said the blonde pixie.

It was raining hard and thundering as well. Terra didn't mind it, she loved the rain but everyone not so much.

"I don't know. It doesn't add up"

"Hmm, you're right Tecna. This sandwich cost more than a full facial and a makeup session" Stella chewed out. "I think Faragonda is keeping some kind of secret from us" Tecna added. "Oh my"

Although Terra knew the secret but she couldn't really tell them. Bloom knew to but she didn't know she knew. "Bloom, You don't know anything by chance do you?" Flora asked. "No I-I wasn't expecting any of this" She put her hands up. Tecna then turned to Musa with a stern face "you know what? Faragonda didn't tell us what Lord Darkar wanted from the pixies but I bet you she's got all the data"

Saying that Musa later then turned to Aisha "Aisha, what about you? What do you know about it?"

"Nothing, honest" she said sweetly.

"I don't get it. Why would Faragonda hide something from us" Flora asked with a pained face. Terra sighed and looked down at her new watch, which Oliver had bought her and sent from his planet. "It's as if she doesn't trust us anymore" Musa added along. " just think about what happened to the pixies and Terra, they both got kidnapped then somehow their set free"

Terra narrowed her eyes down at the floor. Tecna was right. All of sudden they were let go from Darkar. Something wasn't right. "And don't forget the Trix. How did they manage to escape from that light rock place" Stella added with crossed her arms. Terra sighed "girls I have to go. I have another testing to do"

"She's been off since we got back. One of us should keep an eye out for her"

"I don't know Ollie" Terra sighed as she speed her way to Red fountain. Terra knew that the girls were gonna go to a " mysterious stone" which she was told that she was going to do later.

"Your stressed my Princess. Take a deep breath and think"

"Ok. I'll speak to you later"

Terra couldn't think. She had no time to think. Her schedule was all over the place. Terra simply had to do a paper test and later see Codatorta so he can teacher her to use a couple of weapons. What she really wanted to do is really know what her ring can do.

Currently Terra sighed in front of Saladin. He used his cane to get up and grab a book. "I know this seems like a lot. But your parents are looking out for you" Saladin smiled. Terra nodded.

"Your mother created this school" he said as he gave her a book. Terra's eyes went wide. A wide grin on her face.

"I remember the day she announced Red Fountain. Your mother was nothing but confident. She felt as though soldiers weren't trained properly so she challenged a group of a hundred top soldiers. She only took five minutes to win later announcing she created a school to help those actually become soldiers"

Terra chuckled sightly and leaned back on her chair. Saladin handed her a mini crystal ball. "If you ever need courage. I suggest whispering "wish" into the ball" he winked. Terra nodded as Saladin held his hand out suggesting that she now leave.

It was late at night and Faragonda was ready for her to go to the stone.

She walked in the rain. Holding her cloak tightly. "This is the reason I needed you. Nobody else was able to take care of it. This strange boulder appeared mysteriously just tonight" she went from pointing at it to looking back at Terra. "And judging by the events of late I find it's presence rather disturbing"

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