Easy flirt

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Today is the day. Today is today. It's the glory day. Maybe..

And here am I - lying in my bed even if my alarm did already ring. So cool, that moment when you want to sleep two more minutes but you sleep for two hours.. but I wake up. I have important things to do.
I get up. But I feel something. I'm wet, I had a sex dream... I knew that's gonna happen. It's no problem. I make my morning routine and I go to school.

I arrived. I'm walking and looking for him. But nothing. He's nowhere. But I'm still searching for him. I have to go to class...
Even in the break I don't see him. Maybe he's absent. I don't know. That means I used my Gucci perfume for nothing. It's a waste.

I'm on my way back to the classroom, and here he is. He's in a classroom that's not so far from mine. But I can't go now to talk to him, I need to go to the lesson.

* * * *

This lesson feeled like the whole day. But my memory is so good, I didn't forget his classroom. So, like a very smart person that I am, I went in that direction. But the classroom was empty. Seems like he's already done.
I walk outside and I see him. I went to him, because I'm so smart.
And I say:
He turns around with a cute smile on his face. Then he sais:

I ask him a few questions, and... I've got his phone number. Now I can die in peace. (It was a joke)

* * * *

I arrived home and I text him. I wait like 5 minutes for him to answer but he didn't. So I spent my time gaming.

After one hour I open my phone and I see that he answered.

Apparently he's 18. He's pretty cute, but the most important thing is that he cooks. I even asked him out to McDonald's in the weekend. I chatted the whole evening with him. He's really nice. He gives me a sentiment that I can't explain.. Now we're kinda "friends with benefits". He's just the one for me, he's just perfect. He's smart, but he also laughs at my jokes. That's good. But that ass... that's even better. I'd like to touch it, to squeeze it in my little hands. I would even kiss it with my whole mouth.....     
   If we're gonna have a date, I should go buy condoms, because - you never know. There are not so many chances, because he's so shy and I have to go slowly for him but I'm gonna buy them anyway.

Next day

I go to school, again, but this time it's different. This time I have a feeling. A feeling that I can't explain. Maybe it's just the butterflies in my stomach... I'm looking around to find that nice booty - I mean that nice boy... I just want to see him and look at him like he's a satellite. He's just super sex porno.(this was a compliment). It's so shitty that I'm not even with him in class...

I see him in the break, and I go talk to him. He's so hot. And his presence feels so good. I ask him what he's doing after school and he answers:
"I don't have any plans, I think I'mjust gonna play on my Xbox"
So I say
"Are you so rich to have an Xbox? I have a 5 years old phone and that's everything. Anyway, would you like to play together, on your 7273679 billion Xbox?"
He smiled at my completely unfunny joke, and he said
- " of course yes . When do you finish school today?"
-" 14:00"
   And then he says that he finishes at 15, so I have to wait for him. We're gonna meet in front of school and then we go to his house. But I have to buy the protection things first. I put my hand on his back while talking to him, I wanted to touch that body so badly, to hold him, to lick all of it, to feel everything that I could feel. I mean, every touch is a progress in our relationship. He even touched my hair today. So that's good, i think he likes me. He has such a sweet smile. I want to kiss him, but I think it's to early, I don't want to break everything I've built. I hate going so slowly, it stops my breath, its just way too slow, but on the other side I kinda like his "game". It feels so easy but so difficult at the same time... it's like we're never gonna end up together,  it's like we're just gonna keep being friends. I don't like this friend zone. It feels like a prison. His ass is my energy, and I need new energy right now because  I'm gonna die..

I imagine how it would be if I would suck his dick. I would suck all of it, even the balls. Ok, I know I have a lot of fantasies with him, and I don't know if they're even gonna become true....

   At 14:00 I go home and eat something. Then I go and rest a little bit. I was excited to go to his house. It's like a date, like a Netflix and chill, but its gonna be game and chill. After a few minutes I go buy the condoms.
I wanted to buy the ones with strawberry taste, but when I saw the price.... I just bought original Durex. It was almost time to meet him.. I had a lot of crushes in my life, but this one, he was the most.. I don't know. He's something else. He makes me wet without doing anything. He's special. I want to have him forever. He's one at a million, I'm lucky to have him, very hard to find and easy to lose... so I have to be careful with him. I have like a big passion for him. And only for him, only for one person...and....

........His name was Jack...

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