Seduction Vocals-Brandon

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It feels like I haven't laughed in ages. It feels like I haven't felt this complete in longer. I don't know how I forgot all life issues can be fixed by just having Rain in my arms, but I am hoping she can tattoo it somewhere on me so that I never forget it. Looking down at her, I note the slight flush to her cheeks and how her eyes have a sparkle they have been lacking lately. I've missed her, not having her with me was the equivalent of missing a vital organ. Fatal.

When I spent the last few days waiting for Rain to come to me, I realized two important things.

1)      My wife has no future as a spy, don't get me started on the video I saw on our cameras of her climbing out the window. I know she was avoiding me, and I pretended that she was succeeding but silent she is not.

2)      Why was it my wife's responsibility to come to me? She wasn't the one in the wrong, the one who needed to prove that he was worth her time. I betrayed my wife; I gave something that was hers to someone else. It doesn't matter that I thought it was innocent, or that conclusion shows I am a fucking idiot. It was on me to win her back.

That's what lead to me standing on stage serenading my wife to the smooth sounds of Jason Aldean. Some of our best moments can be put to music. The moments where we were so in sync, or even the moments where one of us recognized that the other needed something settled within. So I sang to her, and the whole bar that I hacked her calendar to find out she would be at.

How did Nero end up with me? I'm still not sure, that idiot has been apologizing for his fuck up for years. My transgressions compared to his, yeah let's just say I don't wish to be him. I may give Leana a lot of shit in regard to her being Satan and all, but I respect her. The way she 100% without question supports Rain and just loves my girl the way she does, I have no choice. But like Rain, Leana is a strong woman who projects a self confidence that can be intimidating to someone weaker. There was a time there that she lost that, and it was one of the saddest experiences I ever witnessed.

Enough about the Satanic Couple. Raising my hand I grip the back of Rain's neck supporting her head with my thumb under her chin. Smirking down to her, I place my forehead to hers. She smells like home, and Whiskey. No frou-frou drinks my girl.

"So, what did you think Storm Cloud."

"I'm torn between irritated all these peasants now know your secret seduction vocals and slightly turned on. Which is irritating because I'm not ready to forgive you." I smooth out the slight furrow in her brow, and chuckle.

"So basically irritated?" She raises and eyebrow and just stares at me.

"You take as long as you need to forgive me, shit honestly don't. I won't ever forgive myself, but remember something Rain Cloud."

"Demanding aren't we?" she sarcastically replies with an impish smirk. God, I love this woman.

"Just remember that, when and if you decide to forgive me. I will be right here waiting."

'Impatiently, I am sure."

"I never claimed to be perfect, love." Right when she goes to laugh we hear someone start up a bad rendition of The Pussycat Dolls, Don't Cha. I don't bother to turn and look at the stage until I hear Leana remark.

"Oh look, just like a bad case of Chlamydia the bitch is back."

"I think the fuck not!"

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