Address Me Correctly

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"Well hello Ms. Ward, I do believe you've wanted my attention."

Holding the phone to my ear, I listen as my new victim pauses. I admit, she probably did not expect the little wife to answer her call. I never have answered her calls before, and I know that she has called before. Outside of the amount of time Brandon would be on his phone when home, she seems to be quite comfortable calling him this late at night.

Swinging my legs off the bed I pad over to the oversize chair a few feet away. Perching on the edge I cross my legs and lean my elbow on it while propping my chin in my hand. Reaching over to turn on the lamp. Brandon cocks his head to the side, probably wondering why I look like I am settling in for some girl chat with the woman I publicly referred to as trash on Beyonce's internet.

For someone who wanted my attention, she sure has little to say. No worries, I have a question or two of my own. And I have never lacked for words.

"Since you lack the ability to speak love, I will move this little chat along."

"Rain, I am so sorry if my post offended you in anyway."

"Ms. Nox."


"Address me correctly, I've earned my name. I mean I am his wife."

"Yes, well I meant to say, I know we haven't met yet-" my chuckle cuts her off. Game on, Bitch.

"I wonder why that is, But I am positive that was your doing. Anyways, I don't accept your half ass insincere apology." Brandon drops his head in his hands. I realize it has got to be awkward to have your wife on the phone with the woman that has probably worked very hard to make herself invaluable to you.

"Excuse me?" She asks, I can tell that she did not expect the conversation to go this way. Or for me to continue to cut her off. Sorry not sorry. I didn't expect to have to lower myself and actually speak to her myself, but I couldn't let an opportunity like this pass.

"No can do, moving on. Now do tell, how do you know my dear husband? Brandon, in all his social awkwardness doesn't tend to make friends. It always intrigues me when he allows someone to latch onto him like a scabies." Brandon jerks his head up to glare at me. The taste of his annoyance is truly delicious. I blow him a kiss, it's the most he will get from me for quite a while.

"Uh, we are working very closely on the Glen Springs Hotel, I work for Thunderbird Project Management. It's why I wanted to apologize. We didn't think it would be such an issue to have dinner tonight since we often eat together with our late hours and constant travel to Glen Springs. I didn't want a misunderstanding to ruin the working relationship we've built." This simpering manipulative bitch. I will give her a point for the blow she just dealt, doesn't mean I have to acknowledge it.

"Yeah, that won't be happening anymore." I respond as if it was a side note.

"Rain.. I mean Ms.Nox. Until the project is completed we will still be traveling." I don't miss the smugness in her voice.

"Thunderbird? I am going to let you in on something you really should have already known and then give you a little insight into Brandon Nox."

"Yes Thunderbird."

"Thunderbird Project Management is own by Milo Night. I don't know about you, but if I worked for a family owned business I'd pay attention to the family part. Now, guess what? My maiden name is Night. I even own shares for the company, so tell me again how you will continue to travel with my husband." Her job sits firmly in my hand and it's sinking in for her that I'm vindictive enough to use that card against her.
Memo to self: call Uncle Milo.

"Now, onto the inner psyche of dear Brandon Nox." I pause and stare Brandon in the eyes, this is as much to remind to him as it is me putting her in her place.

"He has a ridiculous amount of audacity and often very little sense, many don't know that. He has that Alpha male vibe. But never doubt the reason those Alpha Male qualities are so dominant is because I gave them an environment to thrive. I supported every opportunity big or small to help him become everything that he is from the first moment we met. If I asked him to choose between the air required for him to breathe or me. Well, he will always choose me. You've had him these past few months only because I made the mistake in not calling bullshit when I saw it. That ends now. I hope you enjoyed your dinner with him, it won't be happening again." I allow that to sink in before adding, "Nows a really good time to start practicing the art of making smart decisions. Good chat. Kisses. Bye."

Hanging up I toss him the phone and make my way into our en suite.


"Do you realize you allowed this bitch to have parts of you while I sat here, drowning in my need for any scraps you'd leave me. You made silence a part of this relationship and I can't spare the energy to change our new normal right now."
Shutting the bathroom door and locking it. I finally let the pain flow and the tears silently fall.

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