Pt 1 (Hooty pov)

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Pt 1: Asserting myself as ruler of the Boiling Isles

Hi friend it's your old pal Hooty here to tell you the story of how I became everyone's favorite loveable tyrant. Let's start at the beginning...

After Luz explained to me all of the horrible things she and Hunter went through (She told Eda and King but, I stuck my head in the window so it counts) I was enraged. I knew that Belos didn't slay but, I didn't know he wasn't at least bussin'! And, luckily for everyone else, I was going to do something about it.

Later that night-about 8:30-I changed into my portable form and hopped over to Lilith's house to get her to help with my plan. Lulu agreed after I explained our situation to her that something had to be done. Despite the fact that Lulu has not been able to figure out her harpy form, we actually got there quicker than if I had just hopped!

Now, it was time for battle. After kissing Lulu's cheek and promising to be back I wiggled into the castle-thrown room armed with rage, determination, and a very disturbing character design. The guards thought they could stop me but, I was just too powerful! Even when Belos turned into a bunch of creepy eyeballs, nothing could slow old Hooty down. By the time I was done with him he was more than just mush- he was owl-pelted mush!

According to Lilith, there was this old law where ruling the Boiling Isles was passed down by right of combat, whatever that means, so now I'm king Hooty the 1st and, even though I leave most of the ruling to Lilith, I still have unimaginable power! Over to you Lulu!

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