Without them noticing, Paul took a few pictures of them. And Niam too of course as they were busy too.

He would show them later.

When it slowly got dark, they decided to pack up and return to the car. The walk down took way shorter. Only about half an hour.

In the end, all of them were glad to be back in the beds after a fresh shower.

On the 21st in the morning, a tour bus got them from the hotel and they drove off to Rome.

It was planned that they would travel in a tour bus for the time being in Italy as they were five people. Their bodyguards had to travel in a different car or better, a mini-van.

So after two and a half hours of driving, they arrived in Rome at ten o'clock.

They looked around their rooms in awe, unpacked some things in the hotel and then went to eat some lunch.

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In the afternoon, the boys had an album signing

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In the afternoon, the boys had an album signing.

Of course, many fans were there. All of them were behaving though so it wasn't dangerous.

Most of the fans were freaking out, crying, seeing one direction live for the first time and talking to them.

But of course, the one direction boys could calm them down. They were trained for that, having experienced that way too many times to count before.

Louis took the afternoon as study-time. He sat at the beautiful glass table in the hotel suit, the view the Colosseo.

In the evening, the boys came back.

"Honey, I'm baackk!!" Harry shouted through the suit, only to be met by the cutest sight ever.

Louis was asleep, head resting on the table, laptop still open.

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