Chapter One: Alexa! Play Bet On It by Zac Efron!

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BITTERSWEET MOMENTS WITH YOUa jeon wonwoo and kim mingyu fanfictioncreated by -magiclolliesCHAPTER ONE: Alexa! Play Bet On It by Zac Efron!

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a jeon wonwoo and kim mingyu fanfiction
created by -magiclollies
CHAPTER ONE: Alexa! Play Bet On It by Zac Efron!


"Hey, hey guys, look," American foreigner and definitely a special character Choi Hansol (who much rather be called Vernon) smiles with all teeth on display, pink gums also poking through. His sudden outburst had the few other men that sat around him to momentarily stop what they were doing in order to glance his way. The air around them went silent, confused yet intrigued gazes latching onto the man with wavy light brown hair. Hansol takes their attention into account, proceeding with the trick he'd just learned to do. A rather stupid trick actually. He stuck two yellow pencils into each nostril, eyebrows furrowing as he focused on keeping them in. Which would be amazing if he wasn't using his thin red lips to help keep them from sliding out. Then with as much balance as he could, he pushed back in his wooden chair, leaning on the back legs. Each one of his friends looked at him unimpressed.

"I hope you fall" Xu Minghao mumbles, lips dropping into a frown. Him and his small group of friends were currently in their academy library—it being an extremely large building with at least three floors (and a basement). Plenty of polished wooden tables were scattered about, most if not all of them being occupied by at least one student. They had been studying before Hansol wished that they watch him make a fool of himself...again. And Minghao, a stylish and quite sassy Chinese man, can't believe he spent the last ten seconds of his life watching his American friend try and bring his arms out while still balancing in the chair.

He clicked his tongue at Hansol's uneasy sounds (him finally beginning to wobble), and then went back to reading his boyfriend Lee Seokmin's sloppy handwriting. Any messier and the characters might as well be unreadable. He should have known better than to ask the dark brunette to take notes for him. This is the last time he'll ever skip Korean History I.

"Any longer and you'll seriously fall over. Put the chair back on the ground please" Mother figure of the group Yoon Jeonghan sighs. He'd been stressing about his math test that's supposed to be taken in the next hour. No matter how hard he tries to focus on the many numbers and unfortunate amount of letters that had been on the study guide his professor passed out earlier that week, his typically adept brain refuses to process anything in front of him. And it wasn't helping that on one side of him Hansol was being as idiotic as usual, and then in front of him Kwon Soonyoung couldn't help but munch rather loudly on some salty chips. "And goodness Hoshi, please close your mouth when eating."

Immediately the aforementioned was closing his mouth, an embarrased expression flashing across his face. He placed the bag of chips on the table and just slightly pushed it closer to Seokmin, who in return chuckled silently before taking the remainder of the snack. Hansol on the other hand hadn't paid the eldest any mind and continued with his little balancing act. Said something about how he wasn't going to fall because he was basically a pro (even though he's only been doing it for a few minutes now). But not too long after making his claim, his cockiness caught up to him and everything was crumbling like a tower being demolished. His lips began to cramp up and ultimately failed him when it came to keeping the pencils secure in his nostrils, so the yellow writing utensils fell into his lap before rolling off and falling onto the carpeted ground. And then he shifted a little too much in the chair that the leg leant too far back and let gravity pull it down. Hansol hadn't been fast enough when it came to catching himself and went to the floor as well. He would have rolled his eyes at the nagging librarian who scolded them with a glare and the warning of being kicked out if he wasn't too busy holding the back of his head while groaning in serious pain.

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