BLU Politics (2)

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This is a very long chapter. Be prepared.

Meanwhile, at the BLU Team Base.

BLU Scout and BLU Sniper were watching a clip of the RED Team arguing about Politics on TV. The BLU Spy had secretly recorded the whole thing when he was trying to retrieve the enemy intelligence. But when he stumbled upon this, he knew the entire BLU Team would get a kick out of it.

BLU Scout and BLU Sniper were watching the part where the RED Soldier lost his shit and started going full ape. They laughed hysterically as he beat his chest.

"Dude, this has got to be the funniest shit I've ever seen in my life." BLU Scout tells BLU Sniper, cheerfully elbowing him as he gestured to the TV with a Bonk! in his hand.

"You're right on that. This is bloody unbelievable." BLU Sniper agrees, holding his favorite beer of Roo Brew. He took a drink as they continued watching the RED Soldier lose his shit.

"Holy shit! He just said we should have nuked the Taliban and the Chinese. For an opposing RED member, that's based as fuck." BLU Scout says.

BLU Sniper laughs along with BLU Scout, not really paying full attention to what he just said.

"Yea...just like..." Then, BLU Sniper paused. He glanced at BLU Scout With a confused frown. Something he said didn't sit right with him.

"Wait a minute, nuke the Taliban and Chinese? I can understand the former but why the latter?" BLU Scout gave the BLU Aussie a weird look.

"What?" BLU Scout raised an eyebrow, still smiling. "That was actually pretty based, I could agree that nuking them would have caused less problems in the world, or y'know, China being China..." BLU Scout sighs, frustrated.

"I can't believe Biden just pulled us out of Afghanistan like that! It's because of him, actual terrorists are leading the country!"

"Come on Scout , you don't mean that right? It's kinda stupid calling our enemy based, isn't it?" BLU Sniper asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, so what?"

"So what?" BLU Sniper repeated, disbelief in his voice. "That's a RED member! We're hired to kill them for God's sake! Besides, pulling out was probably one good thing Biden did in his entire presidency. That war was just over oil and to feed the military industrial complex!"

"Are you seriously telling me that what Biden did was entirely justified?" BLU Scout almost shouts. "You know we were so close to winning that war, right?"

"Come on, Sniper, that has just got to be what every leftist has said about America's war policy. 'We fought over here for oil'. Like no, the fuck we didn't. We came to liberate them."

"Liberate them?!" BLU Sniper shouts, "Ther war wasn't over freedom, it was over resources! And even if I'm wrong, you can't deny that the military industrial complex got richer in the last 20 years!"

"Yeah, and our people fought to liberate people from dictatorships like from Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi." BLU Scout refuted.

"Who are YOU to say if they were dictators?" BLU Sniper demanded. "I found people on the internet who said they were benevolent! That they were just trying to form independent governments and they brought a lot of prosperity to Iraq and Libya!" He says to his Reactionary teammate. "But now look at what America and NATO did to these countries; they are in shatters and in civil wars, just like Afghanistan, the imperial U.S. was never winning the war."

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