Politics (1)

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Disclaimer: The following contains harmful political discussions and loud screaming. Viewer discretion is advised.

It was 4 AM at the Red Team Base. Scout couldn't fall back to sleep so he decided to get himself a drink. He went into the kitchen and pulled out a can of Bonk!

"Too early in the morning for this shit." He said and cracked open the can. He starts chugging it and pulls out his phone to do...things. Before he can look up anything, he sees a twitter notification. He clicks on it, reads it...and drops the soda from his hand.

Mr. Doe

If we went with MacArthur's plan to nuke the Yellow River, maybe China wouldn't be mooching off our hard working American asses! God Bless America, our politicians are Commie Loving Cowards!

Scout cries out in disgust and marches straight for Soldier's room. He bangs hard on the door.

"What the hell, Soldier?!"

"Who is disturbing my morning of peace?!" Soldier demands from his room. He swings the door open and sees Scout.

"Scout, what do you want? It's Four AM, why the hell are you up so early?" He scowled.

"I want you to use every cell in your brain and figure out why you tweet this shit, man!" Scout shoves his phone screen in Soldier's face, but his helmet hangs low enough to where he probably couldn't see it.

"What?! It's true! Our current president is sucking up to the Chinese, and the Commies are trying to take over our country!"

"You do realize that what you said is insensitive, right? America isn't about nuking people, you fucking idiot!" Scout shouts.

"Of course it is!" Soldier denied. "Who are you to tell me that MacArthur was in the wrong?! And if we had used nukes in Afghanistan, all that crap about the cavemen Taliban taking over wouldn't have happened either!"

"What are you boys yappin' about? Don't you know what time it is?" Engineer stepped out into the room, not wearing his trademark helmet.

"This racist asshole thinks that we should have nuked the Tailban and the Chinese. He's like, worse than Hitler!" Scout says, getting in Soldier's face. Soldier, not backing away, meets Scout's glare head on with his own.

"It is damn true that if we had nuked them sooner, we would have dominated the entire world and it would have been way better then this dystopia!"

"I don't care about them Arabs or Chinese people." Engineer says.

Both Scout and Soldier turn to face Engineer in shocked confusion.



"Why should we be concerned over some distant nations?" Engineer asks, then says, "America is dying, we need to reshape it to the Confederacy once again."

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?!" Scout says, puting a hand to his head. Soldier gave the Texan the stink eye from under his helmet.

"Yeah it's the way things were always meant to be. It's natural. That's why we need Segregation Now, Segregation Tomorrow, and Segregation Forever." Engineer says, making it sound like what he just said was reasonable.

"You should seriously reconsider your words man. Segregation ain't cool!" Scout warns. Soldier was quick to agree.

"Yeah! It divides people, not unite them!" Soldier points an accusing finger at him.

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