"Well come on mr movie star come give me a hug" I smiled as she came in for a hug.

We got the luggage into the back and all piled into the car.

"Where am I supposed to sit" I looked at the seat next to me seeing a pile of documents in its place

"Oh I'm sorry babe, I totally forgot to bring them inside earlier. Just chuck them in the back with Kate" She passed the pile to Kate, me swiftly taking the file on top to ensure I didn't lose it. I handed it over to Kristen to hold as she settled into the passenger side.

"Ooooo is this for the film? Mind if I have a look?" I smiled and nodded over at Kristen whilst I got lost in a chat with Kate

She flicked through the pages, landing on the one page with all of the cast members and their pictures.

"McKenna Rae Roberts" I froze at the sound of her name

"Wow she's gorgeous, definitely a perfect Juliet. You know my agency would love to have her signed, her face is just so beautifully structured, I'm scared" she laughed. I frowned. That should be the least of your worries I thought

Now that I think of it McKenna has really grown to look different. She lost a lot of her baby fat due to hardcore training for the cheer squad in school, her hair was now silky brown and long which is much different to when she constantly bleached it platinum blonde and kept it at shoulders length. McKenna's skin was like glass and her cheeks and jaw were more defined due to losing a lot of weight. Not like the weight mattered but she turned out to be extremely beautiful. I licked my lips and focused back onto the road.

"You should see her in person though kris" Kate said leaning over the seat to look at the picture

"Yeah she is a lot different in person just you wait" Kate said leaning back into her back rest

"Hold on.... There we go, I thought her name rung a bell. Leo isn't that your stepsister" I shook my head in response

"No, I mean she used to be... not anymore, we're more like acquaintances"

"You guys getting along now?" Kate questioned, I slowly nodded unsure myself

"They used to be best friends back in Elementary Kris! We all were, Tobey, Leo, McKenna and I" she factly added

"Hmm is that right, that sounds fun i can't wait to meet her" she smiles with the glimpse of excitement washing over her face. She's cute

"She's a bit of a loose cannon, you've been warned" I looked at Kate through the rearveiw mirror giving each other a tell-me-about-it expression

"Huh, Paul Rudd that's surprising actually" Kristen said changing the subject on to someone else.

"Leo I don't think he looks like a Romeo. Don't get me wrong he's a brilliant actor but this isn't what I envisioned Romeo to look like. He looks a little to old for the role"

"Ok miss director" I replied chuckling at her thoughts

"No seriously! Paris maybe but not Romeo" I smirked but then started intensely thinking. Should we have casted Paul as Romeo? This is coming from a viewer's perspective. There bound to be other people who may agree. I shook my head to eliminate any thoughts of work. Now isn't the time

"And who do you think would make a perfect Romeo then" I asked flirtatiously

"You" she said as she leaned over to kiss me on the cheek. Again no fuzzy feeling towards it. I frowned

"Maybe I'm just trying to find an excuse to seeing you casted again hehe its a bit of a change flicking through this and not seeing you casted to a main role Mr director" I smiled as i continue to drive.

We dropped Kate off at her house and was now heading to Kristen's.

"Are we not going to yours" she yawned. I shook my head

"We'll go to mine for lunch or something" I responded. I didn't want to take Kristen home just yet solely because of the fact that everyone will be waking up soon.

We were now in bed, Kristen snuggling up to my side already zonked out. I felt strange. Something was off and I couldn't shake the feeling. I chewed on my lip with racing thoughts in my head. I hope McKenna isn't too forward with Kristen that it scares her off. This is the one thing I didn't get. McKenna was just so... so selfish if you ask me. Although she didn't used to be she was so bubbly and down to earth. She was the life of the party and that's why we became best friends. She changed after her mother passed away but it was no excuse for her behaviour. I've now learnt after living with her again the past week that I really need to watch what I say or how I act towards her. I was literally walking on eggshells 24/7 just to avoid the storm she'd bring in retaliation. I shook me head and closed my eyes. I guess I need some sleep, it was going to be a long day.

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