
The black Dalek approached the Humans. "Which of you is least important?" it demanded.

"Wos' that supposed to mean?" Rose frowned.

"Which of you is least important?"

"No, we don't work like that. None of us." Rose said defiantly.

"Designate the least important!" the black Dalek demanded impatiently.

"This is my responsibility." Rajesh said, stepping forward.

"No, don't!" Rose warned him, knowing only too well what the Daleks were capable of.

But Rajesh didn't listen. "I er, I represent the Torchwood Institute." he addressed the Daleks, "Anything you need, you... come through me. Leave these two alone."

"You will kneel." the black Dalek ordered.

"What for?"

"Kneel!" the black Dalek demanded, so Rajesh complied and the surrounding Daleks directed their eye stalks at him. "The Daleks need information about current Earth history."

"Yeah, well, I can give you a certain amount of intelligence." Rajesh said, "But nothing that will compromise homeland security..."

"Speech is not necessary." the black Dalek interrupted, "We will extract brain waves." And it and two of the bronze Daleks advanced on Rajesh, positioning their plungers around his head.

"No, don't!" Rajesh protested as the plungers came closer and closer, "I'll tell you everything you need. No. No!"

But of course the Daleks didn't listen. The plungers completely enveloped his head and he screamed in agony. Mickey ran forward to intervene but Rose stopped him, knowing it was already too late. She then wisely turned away, remembering how the Dalek in Van Statten's museum had crushed Simmons' skull with it's plunger.


In the lever room, the Cybermen had become aware that there was something else present. "Scans detect unknown technology within sphere chamber." a Cyberman reported.

"Cybermen will investigate." the Cyber-Leader replied. "Units 10.65 and 10.66 will investigate sphere chamber." it ordered into it's comms.

"We obey." a Cyberman replied over the comm.

The Time Lords shared a look as they overheard this exchange. Neither of them had any idea what was down there, but they both had a very bad feeling that whatever it was would mean more trouble.


The Daleks withdrew their plungers from Rajesh's head, revealing that his flesh had been burned away to leave just a charred skull. "His mind spoke of a second species invading Earth." the black Dalek noted, "Inflected by the superstition of ghosts."

"You didn't need to kill him!" Rose glared, outraged at Rajesh's murder.

"Neither did we need him alive." a bronze Dalek retorted.

"Dalek Thay, investigate outside." the black Dalek ordered the third bronze Dalek.

"I obey." it responded and glided out of the room.

Rose was surprised. The Doctor and the Artist had told her that Daleks had no names, yet these ones clearly did.


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