DADA Assistant

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"-Wicked-" they say in unison before a loud knock ecos through the room, Avery smiles and gets up to open the door.
Ron is waiting on the other side when the door opens, a grin present on his features "Food's ready, everyone else is downstairs", "Head down, we'll be right behind you Ron" he nods his head whilst turning to leave.
Avery turns back towards the twins with a semi stern expression "We're done talking about this but if you guys still wish to know more, you can ask Mylla when you meet her"
"Understood" Fred replies, both of the boys grinning from ear to ear.
They all make their way down to the kitchen, where they sit at the table for brunch.
Avery once again checks for potions and the like, then subtly casts the spell to nullify the affects before tucking in.
It isn't very long after that, that the younger Weasleys, Hermione, and Harry were to start school again.
Avery had already interviewed for an assistant teacher position on the hogwarts staff and been appointed to assist an ex auror in defense against the dark arts.
She had already come to the conclusion that being assigned to mad-eye was probably more so that Dumbledore could keep an eye on her as well as Harry during the year but counting on the trio's stories and Potter's luck, she's already put measures in place to protect the kid as well as possible.
Worst comes to worst, she can kidnap Harry and tell her wife that they were adopting a kid slightly earlier than originally planned.
Avery left the burrow a couple of days before the others because there was a staff meeting prior to the start of term.
Avery was among the people to be informed of the event that would be taking place at hogwarts this year and she had addressed certain matters involving her wife through the use of owls.
The prep for class schedules, cleaning up classrooms, and unpacking belongings into her private quarters went quite smoothly only having a bump with one house elf over her sweets stash.
When all of the students arrive in the greathall, Dumbledore announces the happenings of the Triwizard Tournament.
After Bartemius Crouch Sr informs everyone that there was to be an age restriction on those who could enter, Dumbledore had to calm the students who were on the verge of rioting.
Avery watched from her seat beside Snape as the girls from Beauxbatons made their entrance, short flowing skirts and blue butterflys being the only things anyone was looking at.
The headmistress madame Maxime greets Dumbledore in front of the staff table, where he promptly kisses the back of her hand and motioned for her to take a seat.
Not long after were the students in blue followed in by the young men of Durmstang in a display of fire.
Their headmaster Igor Karkaroff stalking his way through the greathall, he suddenly smiled and hugged Dumbledore who welcomed him and gestured to his seat at the table.
Avery watched her brothers and her charge's reactions, noting that the only one of her brothers who was really affected by any of this was Ron who basically drooled over the girls and/or Victor Krum, she couldn't quite tell.
The twins looked like they were planning something but Avery brushed it off, already finding it normal again.
Lastly she examines Harry's reaction closely, he was tense and didn't pay much attention when the food appeared.
Avery ate quietly and dismissed herself when everyone was leaving to their dorms or whatnot.
When Avery reaches her quarters, she showers and requests a cup of tea from a house elf before rummaging through her trunk and unshrinking her two way mirror.
She opens a call between herself and Mylla, then waits for her to pick up.
"Good evening dear, how was the feast?" Avery releases a sigh as she rubs at her temples "both schools put on a show and the DADA teacher hasn't shown up" Mylla sends her a sympathetic look through the mirror.
"He'll show up sooner or later hun, just do what you can until then" Avery nods at Mylla and sips her tea "Other than the ex auror inconvenience, Snape passes as enjoyable company now, that's something" Avery raises a brow whilst gazing into her cup thoughtfully.
Mylla laughs softly at that "Indeed it is." she sobers a bit before asking her next question "could you please tell me what you meant in your last letter by <we might be adopting a kid sometime later this year?> to my recollection, we had decided to wait"
Avery sets her cup on her nightstand and looks back into the mirror "Harry's name is going to be drawn from the goblet, I can feel it. If he makes it out of this alive, he's coming home with me"

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