Quidditch world cup

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After dinner was finished most of them split off to their rooms, Avery was dragged into a hug by her dad and they talked for awhile, one of the things they had talked about was the quidditch game between Bulgaria and Ireland that was coming up soon and how a nice woman had given him an extra ticket she had.
Avery had a sneeking suspicion that she knew who the woman was but didn't dig into it, if she was right though that means something is going to happen at the world cup and her teen watching gig just got a bit tougher.
The next day, everyone was up early for the hike to wherever Arthur was taking them, on the way they met up with the Digory's, they then took a portkey to the grounds of the quidditch cup.
Molly said she couldn't go with them, so Avery was relieved that she wouldn't have to deal with her as well as whatever was going to go down after the cup.
They all settled into their tent and goofed off a bit before heading to the stadium, Lucius Malfoy and his son stopped Harry and Arthur on the way to their seats.
Avery had made eye contact with the elder Malfoy after he had released Harry's arm from his cane and Arthur had ushered the boy up the stairs.
She grinned while nodding in way of a greeting "Lucius", a look of recognition shines through his usually rude mask "Father, do you know her?" The younger Malfoy questions in a confused manner.
"We shall speak about this later Draco. You should come visit the manor when you get the chance, good day Mrs Mockingbird" they split ways and Avery rejoined her group only to get a foam finger to the face.
"Watch it Ron, you might just lose that finger" Avery smiles "Sorry Avie! Didn't see you there" the teams come out with epic introductions and the game ends just as fast as it began, leaving the twins to collect their bet winnings and all of them head back to the tent where all but Avery celebrate the irish's win.
Avery is hanging around outside of the tent when the chaos breaks loose, death eaters burning tent after tent and casting hexes.
When her father and siblings come rushing out of the tent with Harry and friends in tow, she stands back, watching as the twins lead Ginny away, her father going the opposite direction, then the golden trio getting split up.
She keeps sight of Harry but doesn't interfere with the raid until he is knocked out, to which she moves him away from the open war path and motions others towards the port keys.
The death eaters avoid her presents even if she has the-boy-who-lived laying unconscious on the ground behind her.
When the death eaters leave, she notices that there are no bodies in sight 'so the raid was for show' she sqeezes the fang hanging from her necklace out of habit while she thinks.

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