Chapter - 4

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When Hee-ram brought Ga-in far away from Min-su Hee-ram realized that she was holding Ga-in's hand so she immediately let go of it. They are staring at eachother

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"Sorry that i took your hand all of a sudden."

Ga-in just chuckled and stared at Hee-ram again

"Too late."

"Why did you help me?"

"I wasn't helping."

"I just didn't like her."

Ga-in chuckled for a second time and turned her head's down and looked at Hee-ram again

"Do you realized how funny you are? You are unpredictable."

Hee-ram was about to reply to Ga-in when the two couples suddenly passed behind Ga-in so Hee-ram need to pull Ga-in closer to her. And Ga-in only could see Hee-ram's face and her lips. Hee-ram's grip on Ga-in's arm is tight like she was so nervious of what will happen next. Ga-in just smirked and held Hee-ram's wrist and brought her somewhere. Hee-ram just followed Ga-in with nervious face. There's no people around them. It's just two of them. Hee-ram didn't know what to do next.

"Oh. I got to go."

Hee-ram said and about to turn back when Ga-in held her wrist again.

"Where are you going?"

"You said you were my girlfriend."

"Aren't you going to take me home?"

Ga-in asked while smirking.

"Are you having fun?"

Hee-ram asked in serious tone.

"I'm not."

"And, what are you doing today?

"You invited me to a club. Not a must-eat place."

"You're mocking me on purpose."

Ga-in's smirk fade away and stared at her.

"I was mocking you."

"You were mean to me on our first meeting."

Ga-in said.

"Why are you talking impolitely?"

"You were wors than me."



"Why are you still here with me while you think i'm mocking you."


"Are you crushing on me?"


Hee-ram just let a little cold chuckle and about to walk away when Ga-in held Hee-ram's wrist for the third times. But right now is different. Their face is close to each other. They stared at each other's face and lips. 8 seconds later Hee-ram decided to lift her foot and kiss Ga-in. Ga-in wasn't surprise because she know that Hee-ram will doit. After 3 seconds Hee-ram watched Ga-in's reaction but while they are staring each other, Ga-in pulled Hee-ram closer to her and their lips met. But Ga-in didn't stop kissing her. She still kissing Hee-ram untill Hee-ram gave up. Hee-ram kissed Ga-in back and they are kissing right now. Yes. Fucking right now. Ga-in's grip on Hee-ram's waist was so tight that Hee-ram couldn't leave the kiss immediately. And after that scene Ga-in stopped kissing Hee-ram now and looked at her eyes and lips. "Why did i do that?? Am i drunk? No! I am not! I know what i'm doing. But right now. I don't know what i am doing. Why did i kiss her?!" Ga-in thought to herself half of her side are regretting what she did and half of her side are proud for doing that.
Ga-in took Hee-ram to Hee-ram's house. As soon as they entered, Hee-ram immediately sat on the floor. Hee-ram si so drunk because they drink alcohol after that scene.

"Hee-ram we're here."

"Thank you."




Hee-ram mummbled.

"Should i just go?"


"But i need to-"

"Ga-in..Ga-in right?"


"G-ga-in..kiss me..kiss me again.."

"Hee-ram. Even if i want to, i'm not allowed. You are drunk, i don't want you to suspect that i took advantage of you. I'll kiss you if you are sobber."

"Ah...okay. I want to sleep Ga-in.."

And then Hee-ram held Ga-in's hand and so Ga-in helped her to stand up. And after Ga-in putted Hee-ram on the couch she roamed her eyes in the house. She saw a lamp so she opened it. Ga-in watched Hee-ram to get fall asleep.

"Are you just fall asleep?"

But Hee-ram didn't answer so she stood up about to leave when Hee-ram's hand suddenly stopped her. She realized that Hee-ram is holding her hand don't want it to let go. She stared at it for like 15 seconds.


The next chapter will be  different.

Girlfriend Project (Hee-Ram x Ga-In) - Re-publish  -Where stories live. Discover now