♤ yogurt & denial ♤

Start from the beginning

"and now wonwoo knows all about your ass doesn't he?"

kibum rolled over laughing, ash sputtered a little at the comment, covering his mouth to refrain from laughing, whilst hyemi reeled, head tipped back cackling like a witch.

"i do now, actually. hyemi's right, it is stupidly fat."


"sorry, princess."

"fuck, my cheeks hurt from laughing so much," kibum spoke through laughter, massaging his face.

"bet blue's cheeks hurt too," ash added looking satisfied when your head snapped in his direction, a look of sheer shock on your face.

"jinyoung! not helping!"

and with that the room erupted into giggles, a cacophony on happiness that was well deserved.

♤ ♧ ♢ ♡

seungkwan huffed as he trudged down the stairs, brows furrowed, lips slightly pouting.

it had been about a week and for some reason, through every second of the day, he found himself arguing with his boyfriend. from little disagreements and bickering, to full blown altercations with insults being hurled. he hated it.

he and soonyoung had always had that dynamic, tom and jerry in nature, but now it seemed to be getting out of hand, resulting in a lot of hostility and tension throughout the house.

it was his day off from college and unfortunately, as it was for soonyoung. he was currently trying to avoid the other like a plague, in similar fashion to how their other soulmates had decided to obstain from returning home till late.

making his way to the kitchen, he popped open the fridge scouring for something light to eat until dinner where mingyu would most likely create a feast, or say that he was tired and they'd order food.

he grabbed a tub of yogurt, seating himself down at the island and indulging in the creamy goodness. he was scrolling on tiktok when soonyoung entered, giving the elder a quick look and shooting him a quiet 'hi' before returning to his previous activity.

after a few moments the elder sighed, running a hand through his dark hair before standing opposite his boyfriend.

"kwannie, let's talk."

"what about?" the blond haired man asked, shutting off his phone.

"us. we can't keep arguing like this, it's not good for our relationship and the others are literally avoiding us."

the younger blinked at him, a million thoughts running through his mind; he would stop the arguing, but they'd been like this for so long, he didn't even know how.

"i don't even know why we argue. it's just so stupid."

"i know kwannie, that's why we need to stop."

"you speak as if it's only me that causes the arguements."

"i didn't say that, you're reaching."

"oh i'm 'reaching'?" seungkwan asked, throwing up quotation marks.

"here we go again."

"soonyoung, do you even fucking hear yourself?"

"don't swear at me."

"that's all you fucking care about? me swearing? you just fucking make it seem like i'm the issue all the fucking time."

seungkwan was in disbelief. he wanted to stop, honestly he did. but soonyoung made it so hard for him. he didn't try to communicate, disregarding his feelings whenever it came to this topic. in fact, he had been disregarding him before they had spiralled out into the arguing fiasco.

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