Naya was in the class, talking to the kids, helping them with their work, when Kriti came to her class, 'Naya mam could you please mind my class for sometime, I want to use washroom'.

'Ya sure mam'.

Naya gave some work in her class and went to that class just to look what the students are doing, she saw a boy laying on bench and crying, when she asked around students said he fell, so he is crying. Naya went to the kid and tried consoling him, he stopped crying but was lying and was not able to sit. Naya felt he got hurt seriously, just when she tried to look where he got hurt, kriti walked in.

'Mam now you can go, thank you'

'Mam I think this kid is hurt badly, he isn't able to sit, you should take him to medical room'

'Its not required mam, he just slipped while running, it will be okay after sometime, anyways if he will still have pain I will take him there, dont worry'

'Okay mam, please take care of him'
'Ya ya sure mam', Kriti rolled her eyes when Naya left.

Naya returned to her class to find the kids trying really hard to draw the flower from the board that she made. The period ended and Naya moved to the staffroom.

'Whats the matter?you look awful', Naya saw Sana sitting head down on her desk.

'Don't know, my mom wants me to do the things I dont want to and its killing me inside, am failing at everything', a tear rolled down from her eyes.

'What's wrong in failing or stumbling and falling, you can always start all over again. If its frustrating and tried, slow down a bit, rest for a while'.

'Here you go again, talking philosphy. What happens to you in your case, show this positivity when you feel down'.

'Its easy to advice someone than to follow the advice', both laughed it off.

Naya reached home tired, she felt like she was about to fall. She changed her dress lazily, it was the wrost part of the daily chores. She had lunch with her mother, telling her all the happenings of the day. After lunch she didn't even wait for seconds and just slept.

Around 6pm her phone started buzzing, she picked the call yawing, 'Hello, Naya mam, this me Kriti', you could hear the panic in her voice.

'Mmm ya mam'

'Mam, please help me', 'what happened?', Naya was bound to come to her sense, she got up and sat.

'Mam I didn't mean to do it, you know how much I love kids, I too have a child. I didn't me to do it, please save me'.

'Stop panicking and could you please explain me about the matter'

'Mam, the child who fell today in the class, is seriously hurt and has internal bleeding, his parents are making a big issue out of it, if sir will come to know that I was in the class, he will fire me'.

'I told you mam to send the child to medical room, did you do that? '

'Mam, he looked okay at that time'

'He didnt look to me, anyways how can I save you? sir is not going to listen to me'

'If you tell them its your fault, you were there in the class, sir is fond of you, he will forgive you but he will definitely fire me'.

'Mam, there are cctv cameras everywhere, what are you talking about? If only you would have send him to medical room, this wouldnt have been so serious, we will talk in the school about it', Naya hung up.

Even though Naya hung the phone angrily, yet she couldn't forget Kriti's panicked voice or how she was begging. Naya's started replaying all the things in loop, the morning incidents, Kriti's call and then she started blaming herself for not taking care of the child. She did her daily chores but wasn't able to focus, her mother could sense that something wasn't right, but as always Naya wouldn't tell her even if she asked. They had their dinner, Naya couldn't eat much.

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