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In the Taneja house, Mr. Taneja(Ivaan's dad) was unsteadyly pacing worried with a walking stick. He was 50 years old with smokey grey hairs, aged eyes, spade shaped beard and timeworm face. The wrinkles of worry formed on his forehead showing the intensity of the situation.He suffered from heart attack two times and also was suffering from chronic kidney disease which left him weak, it was under control but he had to be under continuous supervision of doctors. He was impatient and was looking at the entrance now and then, just then his manager entered the house. 

'Did you find them?' asked Mr. Taneja hurringly

'No sir, with so little information, it is hard to find them', replied a disappointed manager

'It has been months since we are searching for them, will I never be able to find them? '

'Sir, I said I didn't get information but I got someone who said he knows them. I will go tomorrow and find them. '

'I will come with you. '

'But you are not well and not allowed to go out. Boss will be very angry if he knew about it'. 

'Who will tell him? He doesn't come home, how would he know? And Iam your boss not he'. 

'Yes sir, we will go there together tomorrow'. 

Just then a tired looking Ivaan walked in, 'who is going where? '

Both Mr. Taneja and his manager were shocked and the manager said stamerring 'Th.. That boss, sir wanted me to bring things for him tomorrow'. 

'What is it dad? You could have called me if it was urgent'. Said Ivaan caringly

'Nothing important, he will bring that tomorrow, you dont worry about it'

'Ok! Yah dad, I have to go to Lucknow for a meeting tomorrow, it will take around two days'. 

A smirk formed on Mr. Taneja's face, he was more than just happy, 'ya, go on work is important'. 

Ivaan felt weird but wasn't in a state to ask anything, 'ok dad, am going in my room'. 

'Ok, good night'

Ivaan moved lifelessly to his room on the first floor, the room like him felt cold and dark with black curtains barely letting any sunlight to escape in. Shadow colored wall hardly having any thing on it, just one side of the wall had the same huge whale painting that was in the office. A large bed with charcoal black sheets rarely used to sleep. The bedside table had few books which he carried home from the office and a lamp. A wardrobe cabin filled with dark colored clothes. 

Ivaan moved drowsyly towards the bed and fell on it with all his clothes and shoes on, he wanted someone to take them off as he didn't have any energy to do that. Its been 3days since he last slept in fear of having the same nightmare, going through the same once again. But to try once he closed his eyes just to see the same figure holding a knife, his eyes wide open. Sometimes he just felt its better to just close my eyes forever, 'maybe one day when I will find what I want to, maybe then I will have a goodnight sleep', Ivaan thought. He took a book from the nightstand and drowned himself in it. 

Here, Mr. Taneja and the manager were discussing when to leave, how not to let Ivaan know about it. 

'If boss is going Lucknow, he will ask Jojo to come and visit you, then sir? ', asked a worried manager

'Have to think something about it, I will manage, you just be here on time tomorrow'

'Ok sir, goodnight'. Mr. Taneja nodded. 

He was restless and anxious the entire night 'what if we couldn't find them? Even if I did, what will I say? Who am I? What for I was searching them? Will they accept my request? ' several thoughts came into his mind and he couldn't sleep that night. 

A scared Ivaan woke up early in the morning maybe his exhausted body won over his fear and he fell asleep holding his book.he was sweating heavyly and panting. He had the same nightmare, but today it was different, with the shadow there was also a familiar female voice screaming and asking for help. Ivaan hated himself for being so scared of a dream, it was nothing when he think about it, but when he is asleep he find himself helpless, as if someone has tied him, he cant do anything, other than being scared. 

He got up, freshened up, took bath and wore a white shirt with black tie and rakish grey glen plaid jacket. He wore natural colored chinos with loafers and a rolex watch to go with. When he walked downstairs he saw his father sitting in the lawn area having his tea and petting their pet dog penny. Penny was a street dog Ivaan brought when he saw him laying on a road lifeless. He was malnourished and maybe counting on his breath. He brought him in, took him to the vet and penny fought back for his life. Penny was the only one that brought smile on Ivaan's face but not infront of others. 

'Dad am leaving, will call you after getting there, dont roam around too much take rest, I will tell Jojo to drop by'

'You dont need to trouble him, I will be at home and all the househelpers are here, if I will need anything I will ask him to come and he needs to take care of the office' his father convinced him. 

'Ok dad, but do call me if you need anything'

'Ya sure, take care and dont let your driver drive fast', Ivaan nodded and left. 

Mr. Taneja was excited now to go and look for the people he wanted to find, he went to his room, got changed into a black suit. Its been days or maybe months since he last left his house. 

'So, shall we go? ', he asked his manager getting into the car

He nodded and the car went off. 

It was a tough day for Naya, you know some days are drowing you in, no matter how hard you try to be positive, think positive, they just suppress you. 

So, when she got down from the bus, she wished for her fur babies to be here. And they didn't disappoint her, they came wagging their tails and Naya started loving them. Just when she was playing with them, a bike passed and the man in the bike tried to kick lakhna. 

'Hey asshole! Stupid'

The man stopped and a huge fight erupted, Naya took all her frustration out on the man. 

'Are they you're children?' ' yes they are and even if they are not, you dont get any right to hurt them'.

Naya was backed by others standing there and the man apologized for his mistake. After he left and Naya moved forward, a car stopped infront of her, Naya was very angry, so she shouted, 'can't anyone drive carefully'. 

The car's windows were dark and no one was visible, the window rolled down and someone peeped through it...... 

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