Chapter two

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January 2021

Olivia's pov:

"Oli, are you awake?" I heard Max asking from the other side of the door to my bedroom. "Yeah, come in" I said as I was sitting in my bed with my computer, while editing some pictures took the other day. He entered the room and sat down next to me, while looking at my computer. "Wow these are stunning Oli!" He said with a big smile, he has always been my biggest supporter, he really believes that one day I will be a successful photographer, well I'm not that optimistic myself. "Thanks.."

"Do you wanna come with me and some of the boys to a party in town later?" he asked and looked at me, I was surprised he would want me to join a party with him. "I don't know Max, I have to edit these pictures". "Oli, you have to get out of the apartment, you can't just sit here all day long, please come with me I promise it will be fun" he said and took my computer so I would actually stop editing and then focus on what he was saying. "Hey I was doing something! Give me my computer!"

"Only if you agrees to come with us tonight!" I nodded.. "Now give me my computer back, and let me finish before I apparently have to go to a party tonight!" I said and waved my hands as a sign for him to give me my computer back.. He did while looking satisfied, I rolled my eyes as he left the room.

He is actually right, I have to get out of this apartment. I've kinda locked myself in our apartment for a while now, I only got out to take pictures or get some groceries.

My ex-boyfriend Matt and I broke up a few months ago, I found him cheating on me so I immediately ended things between us. We were together for almost 6 years, we were each other first of everything. It was a terrible break up, and was very hard for me, he was my first love. So recently I have just been inside trying to focus on my work, so Max was right, and I know it will be good for me to go out and have fun, but I know it will be tough though.

Hours went by, Max has been working out for a while and I have finished editing the pictures I took at a wedding last week. They are gorgeous, I hope the couple will love them.

We had dinner that Max cooked for us, he's actually alright in the kitchen. We ate together and talked about everything, between heaven and earth. He was so excited to go out with the boys tonight. And for me to go with them, which is unusual because we do everything else together but party.

I just came out of the shower, I brushed my hair and dried it. Then I took my clothes which were just some tight black jeans and a beautiful white lace top, and my shoes were some black heels from Christian Louboutin. I heard a knock on the front door, Max opened it right away, I immediately heard some familiar voices. I took my black blazer on and went out to the living room. I saw Daniel, Lando and Mick standing there. "Olivia, get over here!" Daniel said and opened his arms, I walked towards him and got the biggest hug ever. "Hey Dan!" I said and laughed. I greeted Mick and Lando too. We had a drink together with the four of us before we headed to the club.

After a short drive, we arrived at the fancy club located here in Monaco. We got inside to the vip section, where George, Charles, Carlos and Pierre waited. "The fun has arrived guys!" Lando said loudly and laughed. They got up and greeted us all, it was actually nice seeing everybody again, I have missed them over christmas.. "You look beautiful, Olivia!" Charles said and pulled me into a hug. "Thanks Charles".. "So what are we drinking guys?" Max asked as we all sat down in the lounge area that we had for ourselves. George and Pierre went to get shots and drinks for everyone. And then the fun began. We started to dance, it was actually so fun to be out again!.

Max's pov:

It was great seeing Olivia be happy and have fun again, after her breakup with Matt she hasn't been the same, I knew this was exactly what she needed. She was dancing around with a drink in one of her hands, and with Daniel's hand in the other. They always have so much fun together, they are like the same person. "How is she really?" Carlos asked as he caught me staring at her. "I don't really know, she seems fine now but that might just be the alcohol, but then when we are home she sits in her room editing pictures all day, and she won't talk to me about their breakup!" I said a bit frustrated. Olivia and I always talk about everything, so I don't know why she won't talk to me about their breakup..

"I know it's hard Max, but she needs time to process, they were together for six years and now she's all alone and has to figure out how to live like that, just be there for her, maybe she will talk to you at some point" Carlos said. "Yeah I hope you're right, she needs to move on, even though it's hard" I know that sounds harsh, but she doesn't get better by sitting inside all day long...

Hours flew by quickly, and before we could think it was already 4am and we had gotten pretty drunk. "Can we please go home now!" Olivia said and sat down next to Charles, Pierre and I. "Sure, let's go Oli, Pierre you can sleep at our place if you would like to?" I offered. "Thanks Max"

We then went out to grab a taxi and drove home, we were in no condition to drive ourselves. First the taxi dropped Charles off at his place and then we drove to Olivia and my apartment.. Pierre fell asleep almost right as his head touched the pillow in the guest room, he had gotten way too drunk. I didn't get that much to drink to be honest, I felt that I had to look out for Olivia all night, even though I know she is more than capable of looking out for herself.. "Sleep well Oli, it was great seeing you have fun tonight!" I said as she entered her bedroom, and I walked towards mine. "You too brother, thanks for taking me with you" she said with a real smile, something I have missed seeing these past few months. 

1135 words.. 

So that was the first chapter, I hoped you liked it. It's to the shorter side, but I just wanted to get it started. I will try to make the other chapters longer... - Please vote and send some feedback on my way, that would make me so happy! Bye<3

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