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The passing time for Hua Ying was very slow coupled with the absence of Nie Huaisang who was studying in Gusu. He let out a small sigh before a hand caressed his head. The 12-year-old boy turned his head to see Nie Zhongzu who was smiling.

"Finished?" He asbefore Hua Ying nodded. They stood up before Hua Ying took his Qiankun pouch and moved onto the carriage. He look fondly towards his father figured before smiling.

"Doesn't gusu only accept students aged 14 and above?" The question was ask when the carriage are on their way towards Gusu.

"Ehh isn't A-Xian's thinking more mature than that?" Nie Zhongzu playfully asked before pinching Hua Ying's nose making him giggle softly.

“YingYing is only three years old!” He said showing three fingers before they both chuckled.

Nie Zhongzu didn't know how long he had been taking care of Hua Ying but his father's instincts shaking violently when he saw Hua Ying who was ready and waiting for him in the horse carriage. It's feels like you're sending your daughter as a bride to meet her husband.

“I will miss you…” Nie-Zhongzu said patting Hua Ying's head gently.

Hua Ying chuckled a little before leaning onto Nie-Zhongzu's shoulder. They parted right in Caiyi Town before Nie-Zhongzu trusted Hua Ying to go to cloud recessed alone. He didn't have to worry about Hua Ying staying together with the Jiang family because the Jiang Family would arrive two days later by the information they got from Jin Zixuan.

Hua Ying wandered around the city first before going to the Cloud Recesses with the money in his qianqun pouch. It's really good to be this Xue Yu Tan Hua's child. No need to worry about money because A-Die is rich.

"Honorable young master.. You look like from afar. How about you take a sip of my infamous drink the Emperor Smile. I'm sure you would love this drink sir. "The old man say as he pull Hua Ying on a table inside of his stall.

"Mnnnhhh this are so good! "He took more sip and suddenly it becomes two jug already. Hua Ying smile while hodding both of the juga as he happily skip along the way toward cloud recesses mountain being greated by various sellers.

"Sweet boy won't you buy some jiejie loquat? "Ask a girl in gusu dialect which make Hua Ying took a minute to re-translate it.

"Can i get a basket of loquat jiejie? "He ask back before giving two silver coin towards the beautiful jiejie. He reaume his walking during sunset before realizing that it already night.

He hold his invitation while looking at the barrel made bye the Lan before wave his thought aside. Without a second thought he just walk towards the barrel like nothing ever happened and decided to sit on the wall finished his drink and loquat while stargazing.

"Wei Ying!" called Lan Wangji after seeing Hua Ying relaxing on the roof with a jug of emperor's smile. "Waa Zhan-ge!" He screamed a little because the jug of wine was just pulled by Lan Wangji far away from him.

"Alcohol are not allowed within the Cloude Recesses area. A-Ying has violated the rules and needs to be punished." He said lifting the jug of wine up high made Hua Ying jump to retrieve it from Lan Wangji.

"That's not wine! See A-Ying isn't drunk at all!" He said  as he ware annoyed and being tired of taking back the jug. It was all the fault of the uncle who offered him the wine earlier.

"A-Ying this is wine." He said he threw the wine arbitrarily outside the Cloude Recesses area leaving Hua Ying gasped. He make an aw sound before realising his breath slowly.

"But I don't want to be punished." He said again sitting back down. His leg aches for standing and jumping for a long time.

"The punishment is still the punishment from the father." Lan Wangji said holding Hua Ying's arm pulling him up. “Zhan-ge... I doesn't want to!” he said motionless before being carried by Lan Wangji.

"A kiss and I'll make like nothing ever happened before." Lan Wangji's words made Hua Ying blink a few times before gently kissing Lan Wangji's cheek making Lan Wangji heart bloom.

"It's okay to put A-Ying down... Er-ge will find me later." He said gently patting Lan Wangji's shoulder before he was lowered right in front of Nie Huaisang's door. A gentle kiss was placed on Hua Ying's crown before Lan Wangji excused himself.

A month ago Nie Zhongzu decided to take Hua Ying or now known as Hua Wuxian to the Cloude Recesses to study with Nie Huaisang even though he was only 12 years old and today here is it! Standing right infront of his shared room.

"Er-ge?" Called out slowly before being opened by Nie Huaisang. "A-Ying Oh my Uncle! Where have you been before?" He ask panic and scare that he won't make in time

Hua Ying gasped before being pulled into the room and refused to sit down.

"A-Ying please don't disappear again... Aiyya I was really worried if something happened to you... Your A-Niang and A-Die asked us to take care of you.." Nie Huaisang said worriedly. He looked at Hua Ying's body looking for any injuries and sighed with relief when he saw that Hua Ying was fine.

"I'm sorry Er-ge... I was just bored for a while. I just came to be greeted by Grandmaster Lan. You're not there. So I wandered around for a while to Caiyi." He said playing with his fingers. Half lying since he do explore the caiying town but without comming here first.

"Sorry I had class for a while..." Nie Huaisang said before handing Hua Ying a gray robe.

“Shower and sleep.. We need to be awake by 5 o'clock.” Hua Ying's eyes widened at Nie Huaisang's words.

"Gee.... It's too early.."

Nie Huaisang wiggled his finger before smiling. “That's why you need to sleep early.” Nie Huaisang said after seeing Hua Ying who was washing herself.

"Er-ge too.. Good night Er-ge."

I'm sorry for this really slow updated but i promised once all of my classes and assignment are done I'll be updating as ususal.. Okyy byee love all of you!

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