A-Ying first night hunt!

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Xie Lian felt that it was only yesterday that he gave birth to his fluffy baby but why was his small YingYing already able to run with Hua Cheng around the small hut where they lived?

He blinked slowly before his eyes were rubbed roughly. How long has he stopped counting time until he forgot that they were already out of Puqi village 4 years ago? His little boy who used to be carried often can now run with his DieDie.

The incident that made them leave the village is still fresh in the memory. Hua Ying is now a cheerful child and friends with almost all the residents of the village. Even though his little baby is only 5 years old, he already knows how to read and write basic words thanks to Xie Lian's blessings and guidance.

Hua Cheng has also now changed to his original form after 3 months of deep sleep. After the incident of Jiang Fengmian who claimed Hua Ying as Wei Changze's son, Xie Lian never again allowed his little baby to play alone without supervision from the grandmothers in the village or on their own.

From now on, Xie Lian needs to be alert to the days he goes through again. Yet no matter how big his A-Ying grows up he will still be his cute little prince.

"A-Ying A-Niang wants to go night hunting. Can you wait for A-Niang here with your diedie?" Hua Ying shook his head quickly, unable to stay away from his A-Niang. Hua Cheng was now stunned before he take up his baby. If his little one wants to join, then it is his job to take care of his little one.

“Gege I can take care of our little baby so gege don’t have to worry about A-Ying’s safety.” Hua Cheng said putting on small shoes to his little prince.

"A-Ying has become a big man! A-Ying is alco stwong!" Hua Ying said while raising his small hand.

“A-Ying is already five years old!” Hua Cheng chuckled before pinching the baby fat that was on his son’s fat body.

"All right! A-Niang hopes A-Ying can learn from what A-Ying will see!" Xie Lian took his qiankun bag containing Hua Ying's belongings.

"A-Ying will get a swod?" Said the little boy enthusiastically.

"Unfortunately A-Ying is still too small for that darling .." Xie Lian kissed the base of his son's nose before pressing his plump cheek and kissing him on the cheek with a little bite.

The journey they traveled to reach the Yilling and Qinghe borders took 30 minutes if riding a sword however they only teleported themselves which took less than 5 minutes.

The city that was once full of people is now empty. It can be seen that some of the corpses of cultivators are lying, there are also the corpses of residents who are hugging each other. Hua Cheng closed his son's eyes in horror at the scene.

"DieDie I can't see ..." said the little one. Hua Cheng kissed her son's forehead before they headed to a safer and cleaner place.

"Huuuu ..." Hua Ying's eyes widened looking left and right looking for the source of the sound before seeing a boy in the range of 7 years old was hiding in the arms of a man.

Xie Lian immediately moved towards the child before lifting the man for treatment as the man was still alive.

"Fuqin wake up .. You promised to go home together." The child's melancholy voice made Xie Lian's heart warm. "Don't worry. I will help your Fuqin."

"Thank you .. you are an angel!" The sweet words that came out of the child's mouth made Hua Ying smile. "Nyang is the moc beautiful angel!"

"You're right! "said the little boy who made Hua Cheng smile before Hua Ying moved in his arms begging to come down.

"Nyangg can I be his fwend?" Hua Ying asked with him cute face asking hopefully.

"Of course darling ..." Xie Lian said which made Hua Cheng kiss his son's cheek. That made the kid smile too.

"A-Sang also wants to be your friend!" The child said hugging Hua Ying before feeling like being watched.

"Fuqin!" The child ran towards his fuqin before being hugged tightly. Hua Cheng smiled at the interaction between the family.

"Thank you for helping us .. is there anything we can do in return?" The man asked holding his stomach which still had scratch marks.

"We help sincerely."

"This is very unfair to you. I hope you and your family can accept my offer to stay at my resident." Hua Cheng thought for a moment before looking at his son who was still holding hands with the child he had just met.

"Sure.. "

"Thankfully my offer was accepted. This jade is special for entrance access to Bujing Shi." Xie Lian blinked several times before laughing awkwardly.

"You must be Nie Zhongzhu ..." Xie Lian's question made the man laugh when Xie Lian bowed.

"No need for formalities .. Since your son and mine look very happy to be friends... Do always to visit us." Nie Zhongzhu's journey was accompanied by the cheerful chatter of the two children as well as laughter and sometimes a small whimper of Hua Ying because his legs hurt of walking to much.

Their 15-minute journey paid off when they arrived in Bujing-Shi before full sunset. Hua Ying had fallen asleep in Hua Cheng's arms due to being tired of moving. Nie Zhongzhu led them to their own space to relax.

"Gege .. Mount Tonglu will choose a new ghost king at any time ... If possible, let me stop all that from happening." Said Hua Cheng who was still hugging Hua Ying in his arms.

"Let's think later. Now we need to focus on A-Ying first. Our Xiao-Tuzi is going to grow up and I heard that there is a coustasy name that needs to be given to a boy. A-Ying is going to grow up." Xie Lian said combing his son's hair.

The space was filled with silence. Just hearing a small delirious voice from Hua Ying made Xie Lian laugh a little.

"I've already chosen his birth name so I'll leave the coustasy name for you to choose."Hua Cheng smiled. He looked at his son for a moment before his mouth let out a name.

"Wuxian.. without envy.."

Xie Lian returned the smile. "Why Wuxian?"

"Because he doesn't have anything that can make him envy. He has everything .. He has Gege as a loving A-Niang, Gege is a perfect example as a parent. "Blood started to rise to his face making Xie Lian feel hot. Eyes flickered from the ghost in front of him.

"San Lang A-Ying got you as his DieDie too. You are also the perfect figure for him. A-Ying loves you very much. You know having you and A-Ying has completed my life. Our son grew up happily thanks to you too. You both is everything for my life. "Hua Cheng can't help himself from feeling overwhelmed and happy.

"A-Ying also loves Nyang!" Xie Lian was surprised to see his little boy who was awake.

"Can Nyang hug me?" Hua Ying raised both his hands to be hugged. Xie Lian quickly picked up his only child before three of them burst into laugh.

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