As Tommy and I step up onto the mat, he sends me a wink. "I'll go easy on you," he teases. 

"Shove off," I reply fighting the small smile on my face. Even when he's annoying he's cute. 

We bump forearms and grip hands afterwards. It's not a part of the exam to do both, but it was a sign of respect for both of our cultures. I just hope the kids notice. 

"Your examiners will state the rules," I explain as I stand facing Tommy. "No hits above the shoulders of your opponent, and to win you must disable your opponent in some way, preventing them from fighting back. You will all be doing this safely with the techniques we have learnt this term. The examiners will remove points or possibly disqualify you if you harm your opponent beyond classroom combat regulations."

Tommy gives me a look, asking if I'm finished explaining. I nod and we step back to the ends of the mat assuming our fighting stances. 

I look over at the class. 

"Terry, can you count us in?" I lock eyes with a young blond girl with green wings in the second row. Her friends nudge her excitedly. They check the clock on the back wall for the time, waiting a few seconds before starting the countdown.  

"3... 2... 1... fight!"

Tommy is immediately on the offensive, just like always. He strikes twice, but I block them both, zoning into laser focus. My daring smile grows as we continue to fight. 

A well-aimed kick heads for my shoulder, but I block that too. Using the opening, I punch twice but Tommy skitters back and out of the way. He punches back but I sidestep and dodge. Around us, I can hear the over-excited cheers of my class grow. They shout out their bets and pick sides, trying to guess who's going to win between us. It's hard to say, we're basically equal in terms of skill. 

On Tommy's next punch, I get an idea. I hook onto his elbow with my own, landing a hit to his exposed side. Tommy's quick to push me off. At some point, it becomes a fun exercise rather than a demonstrative duel as Tommy dances around my attacks with a laugh. 

I kick and he blocks it. He kicks and I block back. For a moment we're totally even, but then Tommy gets a little too confident. 

When Tommy goes for a punch, I grab his arm. Swiftly, I knee his thigh and punch his side. He groans at my sudden attack and I know he's weak. 

I flip the two of us over in a spin and hear the kids "ooh" and "ahh". Tommy springs up before I can pin him down and win. Rolling out the way of a kick, I notice that Tommy is grinning just as wildly as I am. 

Dodging a punch, I grab Tommy's leg as he tries to kick again. Tommy's face morphs from grinning to "uh oh". I trip him, sending him to the floor. 

Tommy lands on his back winded. I take my opportunity and pin his wrists and neck. A textbook win, I think smugly. 

The kids cheer and Tommy grins up at me, puffing from the fight. "Well-played love," he mutters quietly. I roll my eyes as I start to blush again and get off him. Pulling Tommy off the floor, we bump forearms and grip hands again. 

Now to deal with the rascals. "Settle down everybody!"

My voice rings out over the class even though I sound exhausted and my knees tremble with adrenaline. I set my hands on my hips, catching my breath as the room quiets down. I notice one of the younger kids has their hand raised. 

"Yes?" I look at them. 

"Um, we haven't learned some of those fighting techniques Miss Craftier," they say quietly. 

"Yeah! Like the cool flip one!" another kid pipes up making me laugh. 

It's true our techniques are unorthodox and I am not permitted to teach them in class. As teachers, we're required to stick as closely to the curriculum as possible. In combat class, it's a matter of safety as well. 

"That's because neither myself nor Mr Tom was taught in the academy. Both of us are self-taught fighters..."


The kids practically sprint to go to lunch after hanging their borrowed training sabres on the hooks on the wall. I don't doubt that their parents have gifted them their own swords, but at school, there are regulations to be met. 

"Don't forget to change into your uniforms if you have an academic class next period!" I call out to them as the last few leave. Some of them are definitely getting uniform detentions, I think. After such a strange class, they'll want to brag about not doing any work to their friends.  

Tommy pulls the doors to the training hall shut. As soon as they're closed, he sends me an affectionate look. I giggle as he pulls me into a warm hug and plants a long-awaited kiss on my lips. As nice as this is, I'm not letting him get away with strutting into my class again. 

"Why are you sneaking in again?" I furrow my brows, trying to look cross. 

"What? I'm not allowed to surprise you on your birthday?"

I chuckle at him. Yes, it's true, today is my birthday. Honestly, I had forgotten since I'd been teaching all day. I hate to admit it but the surprise is welcome. Seeing Tommy's pretty face after a long day has a way of making me feel lighter. 

"You know that's not what I meant," I shake my head. Tommy mockingly grumbles, a terrible imitation of me. I shut him up quickly with another kiss. 

"Uh... Miss Craftier?"

I push Tommy away faster than the speed of light. We whirl around to see one of my students standing in the slightly cracked open doorway. It's one of the quieter boys in my class, Daniel. I notice Tommy trying and failing to repress his cackles as I try to compose myself. 

"Y-yes Daniel?" I say, opening the door so he can come in and speak with me. This is literally the most mortifying thing that could have ever happened. Whispers are going to follow me around classrooms for weeks.  

"I... I wanted to apologise to Mr Tom about what the other kids said... They weren't being fair."

My heart melts in my chest and I feel like I'm going to turn into a puddle on the floor. Some of the kids really are angels. I notice Tommy soften too. He kneels in front of Daniel so they're on the same level. 

"Thank you for being kind Daniel," Tommy says with a sunny smile. 

Embarrassment prompts me to butt in. "Yes, thank you, Daniel. Now hurry to lunch and get ready for your next class. You don't want to be at the back of the cafeteria line."

Tommy's eyes sparkle with mischief as he sends me a knowing look. Daniel casts a long look at the two of us before closing the door behind him. The guffaws Tommy had been holding in break free. I glare and slap his shoulder making him complain like a baby. 

"This is why you can't sneak in!"

"Why? Because you can't keep your hands off me?"

"Do you want me to decapitate you?"

Tommy laughs again, holding his hands up in surrender. "Sorry, sorry," he says in a jokey voice. I sigh for what feels like the millionth time today. Honestly, this man is going to kill me...

"Have you got any more classes?" Tommy asks, slowly gaining control of himself. I go over the mental checklist that I've had in my head all day. 

"No," I say. 

"Great, because if I don't bring you back to Beau and Niki so the three of you can get ready for your party they might just kill me."

I laugh at Tommy's antics and he holds out his hand for me to take. His hand is warm as he leads me out the door.

The Other Side - Tommyinnit x OCWhere stories live. Discover now