The King of Light - Yeosang

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My body surged with pain as it hit Earth. Blood that had never been drawn past my skin dripped from my lips and from the gashes in my back. Pain shot through my body in every possible way. I wanted to cling to the ground and rest, but there wasn't time for that. The vile creature that had dragged me down to this plane was close behind me, and gaining. I was out of weapons to fight with, and I was no doubt staring in the face of an excruciating demise. The tortured screeching of the fiend in the distance forced me to stand. I hobbled from the pool of my own blood and prepared for the continued battle. I watched the ghoulish figure reconstruct itself from the crumbling decay of its earthly body. It ran even faster on this plane than it had in the Midlands, and for some reason, it was even more horrifying.

I braced and waited for impact. There was nothing to do but close my eyes and hope the collision would kill us both. After all, I was no match for the highest rank of demon.

Just as I was within death's reach, a powerful force of energy threw me back and a brilliant light filled the night sky. It was a sort of energy I had only ever experienced from the highest ranking angels, but it was even more powerful. It didn't hurt. It felt almost healing, but the damage it dealt to the demon was detrimental. It was wiped from the human plane as easily as a flower petal being crushed.

The longer I watched, the less I understood the nature of my rescuer. I'd never seen such a brilliant golden glow. Not even the sands of Heaven could compete with the glow of his hair, or his eyes, or his golden wings. I'd never seen an angel so powerful.

Once he'd handled the demon, he rushed to me as if it had been his duty to protect me. He dropped to his knees and tilted his head as he looked over me. His skin glittered like there were specks of gold ingrained in his flesh.

"May I touch you?" his deep voice rumbled.

When I couldn't force a single word to leave my lips, he cautiously touched me anyway. He brushed his fingers over my face and leaned in closer.

"We need to get you away from here. You're being hunted. I can keep you safe. Please."

I managed to press my thumb into his skin, hoping that it would be enough to indicate my consent. He scooped me into his arms and whisked me away from whatever place in the world I'd landed. The wind brushed his hair away from his face. His beauty forced me to question his true lineage. I'd never seen an angel so stunningly perfect.

He flew gracefully but swiftly, and before I knew it we were tucked away in some cabin surrounded by wilderness. He laid me down on the floor, hovering over me like a curious animal. His soft fingertips traced the injuries on my back as he leaned down to whisper against my ear.

"I'm sorry this happened to you. I know this all must be very overwhelming. At least you've got clothing. When I first came here I was naked."

Hearing him attempt to console and distract me is what finally snapped me into the ache of my reality. I'm on Earth, and I'm injured beyond what can heal.

"Is it painful?" he asked in a soft whisper.


"You're losing a lot of blood. How are you feeling?"

"I don't know. I feel strange."

"You're probably sick. You need rest."

"I don't want to move from the floor, if that's alright?"

"Oh," he hummed, "are you sure you're comfortable on the floor? The bed would be –"

"Please. I don't want to move."

"Alright. But, I'd like to bandage your...wounds."

I pressed my forehead to the floor, terrified of asking him how bad the damage was. I listened for his feet as he stood and retrieved whatever earthly medical supplies he believed could help me. I didn't know what to expect of the following days, or even in the next few minutes. For now, all I could think about was the pain searing through my body, and the misery of my new existence.

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