Start from the beginning

"You too? Jesus, how many people do they have here? And what's with the makeup?" I couldn't avoid asking about her appearance for much longer. For the setting, it was strange. 

"Makeup?" She appeared confused, "I'm not wearing makeup. This is how I look, but I understand if you haven't seen a monster before, many humans haven't."

"Hold on a moment, you're a monster?" When I envision a monster, I think of what's lurking under your bed or in the closet with sharp teeth and many eyes. A reindeer girl in a checkered sweater vest is not anything close to what I imagined. 

"I am. Don't worry though, I'm not trouble, I'm just like you! I only look different, that's all," She seemed to be taking this kindly, despite the original confusion. 

"Good to know. 'Monster girl', would you mind telling me what you know about our situation?" I started interrogating her, there had to be something she knew that I didn't. 

"'Monster Girl'? Oh no, my name's Noelle! Sorry for not introducing myself sooner," Even when introducing herself, she apologized. I take it as she's not the most social person. 

"Ok then, Noelle, what do you know?"

"Well, I woke up in a room exactly like this, and I left to look around. Then I heard banging, which led me to your room," In short, she knew as much as I did. The only thing I got from that is the door was unlocked the whole time. 

"Great. We're both totally clueless," I grumbled and sat on my bed. 

"Maybe we should look around? I think there's something at the other end of the hallway, there might be something of interest there," She offered and quickly followed up, "If you want to, that is."

"Not a bad idea. Let's get heading out," I started to head out, but before I got too far, she spoke.

"Before we go, I have to ask. What's your name?" In this conundrum I had completely forgotten to introduce myself.

"Detective Abe Lincoln, I'm a detective. Not that big a deal, just don't do anything suspicious," I reached for my badge to show proof of my identity, but I realized my pockets were empty. Our captor must have taken all my possessions, which means they have my gun. Damnit.

"Oh no, I won't, don't worry!" Noelle frantically tried to rid the idea of her doing anything suspicious, which as we all know, that makes her more suspicious. I'd be keeping an eye on her. 

We left the room I once thought was keeping me hostage and came into a long hallway. I could relate it once again to a hotel, except the walls felt too closed in for that. There were many doors, all labelled with a name. Just like in my room, there was a rail system on the ceiling which led into the other room and a security camera. The end of the hall we were at had a locked door, and at the other end was a door which was unlocked.

Behind that door was a lobby, with couches, tables with chairs, and a TV. A vending machine with various sodas and snacks was against the wall, though it didn't seem to take USD, or any other currency I've heard of. 

"Maybe it takes Dark Dollars?" Noelle piped up from her previous silence. 

"Is that some kind of monster currency?" 

"Well, no, but the last time I woke up in a weird place, that's the money they used."

I didn't ask further questions, and stopped investigating the vending machines. A few other things were about for decoration, but none of it intrigued me. There were two other doors in the room, one of which led to a laundromat space with washing machines, dryers, and cleaning supplies. The other led to a kitchen, which seemed to have enough food for a lot of people. 

"It's weird that they're just providing us food," I inspected some of what they had in the fridge, "I'm not sure if we should be eating it."

"They could just be nice," She sounded uncertain about her answer, which makes sense because what kidnapper is nice?

"Or they poisoned it... Or they want to keep us here alive for a long time. Whatever it is, I'd be careful around it," While the food did look very edible, I have my reasons to not trust it. 

Noelle nodded and we started to investigate whatever else may have been around. While she only glanced at things, I was making sure no stone was left unturned. There could be a hint around every corner, and you bet your ass I'm going to investigate it all. I didn't find anything, except for a few weird looking coins. 

"Maybe that's the currency the vending machines use," Noelle commented.

"We could always check," I started putting the coins in the vending machine and ordered a coke. Before the coke could be dispensed however, an unseen intercom came to life. 

"I see most of you are awake. It was about time, I was getting tired of waiting. Considering I can't sleep, I'm impressed," The voice sounded feminine and robotic, and horribly sarcastic. Before I could say anything, the ground beneath our feet started shaking. 

"Transfer to the testing area in progress. Please stay in your relaxation chambers during the process."

"W-we should get back," Noelle cried out, trying to keep herself balanced on a wall. 

"You said it, let's get moving," I wasn't sure if she'd be able to keep balanced long enough to get to her room, so I grabbed her arm and ran back to the hotel hallway. I entered a room that I was sure was mine as the shaking seemed to die down some, but not completely. 

"Who the hell are you guys?" A teenage boy spoke up, proving that this was in fact not my room. He was defensive of our appearance, likely because of how frightened he was of this situation. First you get kidnapped, then a reindeer monster and a detective enter your space. I'd feel that way too if I was his age. 

"Detective Abe Lincoln, this is Noelle," I introduced her myself to save time, "Don't mind the intrusion, we're trying not to die."

"How did that bring you to my room?" He didn't let down. 

"I'm so sorry to bother you, but this was the closest room, and we didn't want to find out what happened if we weren't in a room," Noelle explained with a slight quiver in her voice. 

"Fine, I guess I can understand that," He hesitated before agreeing to let us stay until this was over.

"Mind telling us your name?" I asked him, sitting down at the desk. Noelle opted to sit on the floor, which was fine too.

"Mark, it's nice to meet you, I guess," I was hoping for his full name, but no matter, I could get that out of him another time.

We waited in silence for a little while for the shaking to completely stop, which was starting to feel like ages. We were like three rats hiding in the same burrow, waiting for the storm to pass, but never truly enjoying the company. To make matters worse, we were being held in a cage, waiting to see what may happen to us. Were we lab rats? Feeding mice? Only time would tell. 

Eventually, it stopped with a bang, which jolted the three of us to our feet. 

"Transfer complete. You may leave your relaxation chambers," The robotic voice said, and as she said, we left the "chamber". It seemed that several others had done the same. I didn't get a good look at them though. The light at the end of the hallway where a locked door one was caught my eye first. 

What was beyond that door? What did our captor have in mind for us? Those were the questions that filled my mind, and I'm sure filled everyone else's. There was only one way to find out, and that was to step into the unknown. 

And so, with no other choice, we all stepped into the light, blinded to the possibility that what was to come would bring nothing but despair. 

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