Chapter 1

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Along Came a Little Brother

Sitting beside the cot of his young brother, Harry James Potter, known now to everyone else as Turais Rigel Black, rubbed one forefinger slowly down the stretch of his forehead, tracing the outline of the lightning bolt scar that sat there. Walburga had shrieked and shrieked when she'd come to wake him up the morning of November the first to see blood all over his pillow. Apparently he'd scratched the scar into his head whilst sleeping. That was a new way of acquiring it, but once again he was now, as Draco Malfoy had so beautifully put it long ago, a 'scar-head'.

His newest mother had been furious that the imperfection wouldn't leave his head, right up until Orion had pointed out it was the rune Sowilo, known for guidance and success. Walburga apparently hadn't taken ancient runes for an elective, while her husband clearly had.

After that, the duo seemed to have accepted it, even proudly shown it off to Arcturus, Orion father and thus, Harry's paternal grand-father. The older male had hummed, nodding slightly and poked at the scar, but had done no more than that. He'd been left alone after that. His parents had been growing worried, for Harry had yet to speak a word to them. Kreacher had been assigned to read him books whenever he had free time, so both he and Sirius would usually spend an hour or two a day laid out on the large play-pen floor with Kreacher regarding them with tales of Merlin and Morgana. It was the first time Harry had grown up in a dark family so close to what he considered his own time, and so far, it'd certainly been an experience.

"Turais! Are you awake yet? There are presents to- Turais! Where are you!"

Harry smiled slightly, watching as Sirius' eyes opened in unpleasant surprise at the screaming banshee that was their mother, the baby blue orbs starting to water. Harry's own eyes had just settled into the typical grey of the Black family, but he was well aware that whenever he used magic, more magic than any average person could, that they would glow their usual green.

The baby Sirius before him, not even a third of a year old, let out a low hiccup and in that moment Harry knew he was about to start crying. Reaching inside himself, Harry snatched at his magic, the energy that still fluctuated and would until he kept exercising it, before drawing it out.

Balls of light, all different colours, shapes and sizes bloomed into existence. Harry twisted at the light, at the magic, till a set of miniature Patroni were dancing around Sirius. Padfoot leaping back and forth, no bigger than Harry's leg, was followed by Prongs, and then Moony. The trio kept circling, leaping over one another as Sirius let out a small squeal. His eyesight wouldn't be good enough to recognise the figures, but the fact he took joy in them was good enough for Harry, who was sat by the boy's bedside leading the trio through their movements.

A sharp intake of breath from behind him let Harry know he wasn't alone, and he snapped around to look at his mother and father, both of whom were staring at the spot where the Marauders had been.

"What was that! Turais! Where you doing magic?" Walburga shot forwards picking him up and Harry grunted, squirming about till he was once again facing Sirius. His new mother let out a screech of annoyance, passing him off to Orion whom just held him by the waist, leaving Harry almost horizontal in his urge to stay close to Sirius. They didn't let him near his younger brother too much, he wasn't sure why, but it really annoyed him.

"Siri sad."

Dear Merlin he hated dumbing himself down, but he'd draw even more attention if he were to suddenly start speaking in sentences.

"What were you doing Turais?! We told you magic is dangerous near Sirius, he's too young."

Harry could understand Orion's worry. Say what you want about the two Blacks, but right now, they did care about them. Even if they had a funny way of showing it. Orion was a lot calmer than his wife, that was for sure. And maybe Harry should show his talent a little more, because then maybe they'd let him stay closer to Sirius.

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