Volume 2: Epilogue Part 1

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That name rang a bell in Professor Ayanokouji's mind. Of course he remembered Suzuki Shizuku as one of the last remaining 4th generation White Room students. He was surprised that girl lasted so long, but he deemed it due to her determination and relationship with Kiyotaka.

However, more importantly, he began to remember the man who had the surname "Karuizawa" that supplied Shizuku and a lot of other children to him. Even though a lot of things had happened over the last 16 years since the White Room started operations, Professor Ayanokouji at least remembered faces of those who had assisted him in his journey to create and manage the White Room.

"I see. Then that makes this a little more interesting then."

"What do you mean, Professor?"

Professor Ayanokouji then continued walking again, causing the assistant to meekly go after him. His bodyguards also continued walking, forming a circle around him for protection.

"Have you not realised it already? When that Karuizawa Kei cheered loudly for Kiyotaka, he seemed to instantly do better in that triathlon event. Of course he was holding back but it's not a coincidence that he fought more after that girl cheered him on. And when I got a good look at Kiyotaka when he was meeting his class again, those two had a very familiar and comfortable atmosphere. There's no doubt about it, that Karuizawa girl is Kiyotaka's girlfriend."

This was only an answer one could come up with if they carefully analysed Kiyotaka and Kei's relationship and situation, something which a powerful man such as Professor Ayanokouji could do easily. When he explained it, his assistant began to understand.

"Ohh. That makes sense. Who thought Kiyotaka-kun would get a girlfriend. But what did you mean when you said it could be interesting?" The assistant asked back.

"Knowing this information will make things more interesting in terms of how I intend to bring Kiyotaka back. We could use her to get to Kiyotaka."

In an almost similar manner to how Ryuuen got to Kiyotaka through Kei, Professor Ayanokouji appeared to come up with a plan to use Kei. Feeling a little afraid of what he was thinking of, Professor Ayanokouji's assistant shivered.

"E-eh... B-but Professor. Tsukishiro-san has been removed from his position as an Acting Director and Chairman Sakayanagi has been reinstated. And Yagami Takuya-kun and Amasawa Ichika-san have completely gone rogue and betrayed their orders. How are you going to try and get Kiyotaka-kun back without their help?"

"A good question. Yagami and Amasawa were both good subjects, but since they've gone rogue and the fact the former failed to beat Kiyotaka, there's no point in using them anymore. However, that doesn't mean I don't have another person in my arsenal to use."

The assistant was confused at what his boss was saying. However, instead of further clarifying what he meant, Professor Ayanokouji took out his smartphone from his pocket and began scrolling through his contacts list. His finger then landed on a certain name, hidden from the assistant's view. The phone started ringing a couple of times until the person on the other side finally answered.

"Atsuomi-sama. I thought you weren't going to call until tomorrow? Do you need me for something?"

The voice was from that of a young female. It sounded mature but also quite monotonous. Cold and robotic in a way. Hearing such a voice immediately made Professor Ayanokouji's assistant realise exactly who it was. He felt a shiver down his spine again.

"That was meant to be the case," Professor Ayanokouji started. "However, circumstances have changed. In fact, I lied. I was planning on calling you today after Sakayanagi's school's damn sports festival."

"I see. In that case, what do you need from me?"

"I think you already know why I'm calling. It's your turn now, ******. I know you're controlling someone from inside the school. So now you can expand on that and do whatever you can to get Kiyotaka expelled and returned back to me."

The other side of the phone call was silent for a few moments before replying back.

"Is that so? You're going to count on me now to bring Kiyotaka back? All I was doing was using someone to understand his situation inside the school. I hadn't fully planned to strike using them, but if Atsuomi-sama's going to give me the go ahead, then I'll use all my abilities and the people I control to have some fun."

"Your main goal is to just bring Kiyotaka back. You can do whatever you want to get it done, just make sure that it is done." Professor Ayanokouji reiterated in a colder tone.

"Sure. But please remember, even I can't get it done fast. I need to understand the situation inside Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School before I can make any moves. So for now it'll just be the waiting game and it could be a while before we see any results. Especially now that your 'Acting Director' move was ousted out of his position."

"Are you mocking me? Anyway, that's fine. But if you want a bit of information now, one thing you could do to get to Kiyotaka is to use his supposed girlfriend. Her name is Karuizawa Kei. I'm sure you have information on her already. If not, we can get you it."

"Interesting. I do have some information about Karuizawa Kei. But if you have any more about her, it will be appreciated. I can have fun with her and Kiyotaka."

"Then consider it done when I get back. Remember. Do whatever you can to rifle up Kiyotaka and get him expelled, either forced from any means or in a situation where he chooses it himself. I'll talk to you later."

Professor Ayanokouji then hung up the phone, not bothering to wait for a reply. It was rather rude of him, but he knew the person on the other side of the phone call didn't really care about that. Seeing the phone call was now over, the assistant decided to speak up.

"Professor. That person you called... It was ******-chan, wasn't it?"

They had finally arrived at the limousine that happened to be waiting for them at the front entrance of the school. Professor Ayanokouji entered the opened door with the assistant following in directly after. One of the bodyguards closed the door when they were both inside.

"Yes. ****** will be our only means now in trying to bring Kiyotaka back. I'm sure she'll cause some chaos in between all this, but as long as she achieves her goal, nothing else matters."

"I see. Well, the future might become hectic for both ******-chan and Kiyotaka-kun. I kinda feel bad about the situation..." The assistant frowned as he said this.

"Don't think about that pointless stuff. Kiyotaka won't care about it at all even if he finds out. And ****** doesn't even care either."

The assistant nodded at Professor Ayanokouji's cold but factful answer. The limo finally drove off, destination likely to Professor Ayanokouji's office back in the White Room. As they were driving, Professor Ayanokouji looked out the window to see the surroundings.

[Now then, Kiyotaka. This outside world you so desperately care about at this moment. The people you care about and the goal you are searching for, let's see you protect them in this new coming battle. You'll regret trying to go against me the minute you taste ******'s abilities.] He thought.


Some interesting developments have been revealed here. First off, Suzuki Shizuku and Karuizawa Kei ARE RELATED!? So Kiyotaka was right all along when there was more to his infatuation with Kei than he believed! And now we may begin to understand Kei a bit more with this development. But most importantly, is the introduction of HER, ******. You won't be able to know her name just yet, but she will be the biggest obstacle for Kiyotaka in the future. This is the real beginning of the REAL TROUBLES of All or Nothing! Tune in again to see the final parts of Volume 2!

- rainy26541 (G-String)

P.S. With this reveal of the person, but still without a name, I'll confirm to you all that you still haven't guessed who this SHE is yet. But maybe you might begin to have an idea when the upcoming Short Story for Tsubaki Sakurako releases. You're welcome to keep guessing until then... Whoops, I said too much!

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