Day 31: Halloween

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This is it. Last day of Morrotober! TBH, I didn't think I'd be able to do as many prompts as I did (more than half!), but I'm so happy that I did. And that you guys seemed to like them too!

For now, I'll mark this story as 'complete', but if I feel like adding more small oneshots and/or enough people request continuations of certain prompts, I'll add more.

All of this to say, thank you guys so much for reading this story!!! I appreciate all of you!

Alright, enough outta me. Enjoy!



This was it. This was the moment, the critical part of the mission. If they failed now, all hope would be lost.

Morro shared a look at his partner. Lloyd looked back at him, a grim expression on his face. He nodded once, sharply.

Morro let out a quiet sigh and set his jaw. He turned back to the objective at hand. He reached out, inch-by-inch. He could feel Lloyd tensing up beside him, but Morro tried not to focus on that.

His hand, once fisted, opened up. He was almost there. Almost...

Out of nowhere, a hand flashed out towards his-

-and gave it a hard slap.

"OW!" Morro jerked back, shaking his hand. "MOTHERFU-"

"Language," Zane scolded him, one hand on his hips while the other was clutching the back of Lloyd's hoodie. "And how many times have I told you and the others?" He pointed at the cookies cooling on the kitchen counter. "Those cookies are for everyone, and ONLY for after dinner."

Morro rubbed his sore hand, pouting. "I was only going to take one..." he grumbled.

"Mmm hmm." Zane turned his gaze to his captive. "And you?"

The Ultimate Spinjitzu Master grinned sheepishly. "Uh...two max?"

The ice ninja sighed and gently shoved Lloyd away from him. "Go bother the others," he instructed. "And do not let me catch you sneaking dessert again! If I find you in the kitchen again, or if even a single crumb is missing from the cookie platter-"

"-you'll freeze our butts until they fall off, yeah yeah," Morro griped, rolling his eyes. "Got it. C'mon Pipsqueak, let's just go get our costumes ready."

Lloyd offered one last smile at Zane as he followed the Master of Wind. The nindroid, not amused, simply made an 'I'm watching you' gesture before going back to the kitchen. Sighing, the Green Ninja turned to his companion. "We were so close," he whined softly.

"You were supposed to be the lookout," Morro snapped. "What the fuck happened, Pipsqueak?"

"He came out of nowhere!" Lloyd complained, throwing up his hands. "I didn't even see him until he was already there! Also," he added, glaring. "Stop calling me Pipsqueak."

"Hm, let me think about that. No."

"We're the SAME HEIGHT!"

"No we're not, I'm taller than you!"

"By like, an eighth of an inch! That barely counts!"

"Oh I'm sorry, I can't hear you complain from all the way down there, because you're still a pipsqueak-"

Lloyd, fed up, lunged at Morro and tackled him to the ground.

That's how Cole and Kai found them a few minutes later, wrestling on the ground. The black ninja sighed in exasperation. "Dare I ask what happened?" he said.

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