Day 4: Childhood/Orphans/'I am your father'

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Okay this one is a longer one and is NOT canon to the universe of 'My Best Friend's a Ghost'.

Why? Well....


"Awww, but I can't be a kid again! I hated being a kid! You can't drive, nobody listens to you—oh. Oh no. BEDTIMES!!!"

Jay heard someone behind him facepalm and whisper a fierce "Idiot..." He thought it was Kai at first, until a high-pitched, unfamiliar voice screeched, "You and your team just got mysteriously turned into kids, and you're worried about a fucking BEDTIME?!"


Everyone screamed and jumped, turning to face the voice—

—which belonged to a kid.

A kid with long black hair, a streak of it dyed green. A kid with vitiligo, the pale spots around his green eyes making them appear wider than they actually were. A kid, wearing a ragged, torn up ninja gi.

A kid, who Jay had never seen before in his life.

"Who the heck are you?!" The blue ninja shrieked.

The kid blinked at him in shock. "Wait, what?!"

Then the police arrived.


"What the fuck, what the fuck, what the actual fu—"

"Okay," Cole turned around and frowned severely (though, given he was currently a kid, the effect was minimal). "I know that this is very sudden and unexpected, but can you please stop cursing? We're gonna attract the wrong kind of attention!"

"Fuck off," the kid next to Jay snapped, but he did lower his voice to a quiet mutter.

Jay fidgeted with his newly acquired hat. "Sooooo," he drawled, addressing the new kid. "You're Mark. Or, well, Morro is your actual name, but you don't want Wu to find out so you came up with a fake name—"

The kid—Morro—looked up and glared at him. "Do you have a point to this, Bluebell?" He snarled.

"How long have you been stalking us?"

....Jay did not mean to blurt that out. Oops.

Morro's face turned bright red in rage. "I was NOT stalking you!!!" He denied, his voice cracking in the middle of his shriek.

Kai burst out laughing, and Cole had to hide a smile behind his hand.

"Technically," Zane interjected diplomatically. "I believe the proper term is 'haunting'. And if my calculations are correct, it's been at least since the monastery, yes?"

"Well, yeah, that makes sense," Jay acknowledged. "But still! Why stick around so long?"

"You try being dead, invisible, and unable to be heard by anyone for decades and see how you like it," Morro snapped, crossing his arms in a huff. "It was boring."

Jay thought about it for a second, then winced. Yeah, that tracked. "Well," he said, reaching out to sling an arm around Morro. "You've got us now! You won't be bored with all of us! Especially since we can all see and hear you now! Relive your childhood, have fun!"

The blue ninja got a dark look in return. "I'm an orphan," Morro hissed. "My childhood consisted of me living on the streets."

"...okay yeah," Jay winced. "Good point. But again!" He declared, rallying. "You have us now!"

Morro growled and shook off Jay's arm. "This is so fucking stupid," he complained, stomping a foot. "I'm a motherfucking ghost, I'm fucking dead! How did this happen?!"

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