Day 8: Pirate/Knight/'Hey, that's my sword!'

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¨Pretty please?"

"The physical appearance of the please is NOT changing my answer."

"...pretty please with sugar on top?"

"For fuck's sake--NO!" Morro glared at the two pests currently bothering him. "I'm not doing this!"

"But we need a third person!" Lloyd complained, pouting.

"Yeah!" Jay added, big blue eyes wide as he practically begged. "It won't be as fun with just two people!"

"Go ask Porcupine, then!"

"Can't; he sprained his wrist yesterday, remember? Cole threatened to tie him to the bed if he even thought of doing anything with it, and Kai's not willing to take that bet."

"...okay, fair," Morro acknowledged. "...I'm guessing that means Brookstone's out too."

"Yeah, he'd tell us off for being goofs. And before you ask," Jay said. "Zane wouldn't get it, and we're trying to surprise Nya so she can't be involved either. So we REALLY need you!"

"This is fucking stupid! I'm not doing this!"

"Come on, Morro! Uncle won't be back until the weekend and my mom's busy, so it's just my dad!"



"I said NO!"

Lloyd decided to pull out his secret weapon. "You can do an awesome monologue~"

Morro paused. Visibly considered. "...can I do an evil laugh too?"

"As long as it's not as bad as Lloyd's used to be."


Morro smirked. "Deal."


"Urrrrgh," Nya groaned on the couch, a pillow clutched tightly to her abdomen. "Kill me."

"Pretty sure Kai would kill me if I attempted that," Cole replied, wincing in sympathy for his friend. "Need any more ibuprofen?"

"I just took some," the female ninja-in-training complained, throwing an arm over her face. "They haven't kicked in yet. Ugh, this suuuuuucks."

"I gotchu, sis!" Kai suddenly popped into the room, grinning widely despite the brace around his left wrist.

Nya glared at her brother. "If it's not chocolate covered pretzels, I'm not interested."

"Zane's bringing those," Kai assured his sister. "Besides, what I've got is better!"

"...what is it?"

Grinning, the red ninja hopped onto the couch next to his sister, gently drawing her into a hug. "Ta da! Your own personal heat pack!"

Nya scowled, opened her mouth to protest, only to pause and slowly relax. "Okay, you get a pass because that actually feels good," she said.

"Hell yeah!" Kai cheered. "Big brother cuddles for the win!"

"Y'know, speaking of cuddles...where's Jay?" Cole questioned. "I haven't seen him all day."

"He claims he's working on something to help cheer me up," Nya replied, a look of fond exasperation on her face. "Knowing him, it's probably something waaay over the top when all I really need are sweets and a movie."

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