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Here I am, stuck in middle of this traffic under this sweltering sun , practically dripping with sweat sitting on my scooter. I can't say I hate this because I'm on my way meeting all of my friends after a long time.
Did I just say I'm meeting 'all of my friends'?
Scratch that....

I wish that stupid was here....

Whenever we had this 'get together' she'd always be the critics and come along with me to the pre-planned destination... making my day good from the start.
Suddenly the honk sound intensified behind me and I realised I got to move.
Thankfully the traffic was not worse from there, Isha must me waiting for me as she messaged me earlier. Only god knows when others will join..... I sighed.


As the familiar dinosaur came to my view, I exhaled in part relief and part frustration. I'm visiting this park for the umpteenth time. But certain things have severely changed. Change is the only constant I guess.
By now the creepy stares and hollers thrown by those jobless hooligans are starting to get on my nerves. Seems like Rose is at the verge of her patience, ready to snap anytime soon. The weather isn't helping either, I practically feel my throat dry up and steams escaping my head.I hope it rains, then again I don't have an umbrella.
......Just like the last time.

Our school looked like...our school, yet different.
Abbie was clicking selfies with us. Photogenic as always. That made me wonder about the least photogenic one. I almost turned around and checked whether she was there, sneaking up on us, nonchalantly holding her phone, clicking pics mischievously....
But no...
She said she can't come anyway. I sighed and plastered a smile for next pic.

"So, what are you guys gonna eat?" Kethi asked. I saw three eager eyes scanning the menu. It felt good to see them all, like always. Just like the last time, sitting in restaurant... babbling and goofing around. Except the fact that the chatterbox occupying the usual spot next to me is absent.
"So, what are you gonna eat, Ash?" Kethi's question brought me back.
After settling on whatever to order, I asked "Why wouldn't Rie come?"
"You know her situation, hopefully she'll join us the next time" Rose said.
"I wish she could've come here, even though I know it is nearly impossible " I said. " It would've been more fun "
"....... with her never ending babble" Isha added.
"and her 'candid pics' of our awkward angles" Abbie poured on top of it.
" She would've freaked out to death when we were stealing those plants today" I said laughing, looking at those precious little leaves.

" I wish she was here "

If Rie was here, she would've been my first in command, straying along. But no....She had to join that damn college, which loves her too much to let her go.
I lay down and went through the photos of our last year's 'get together ' and saw her smiling alongside with us....with me.
"Wish you were here today" I said staring at the image of 'mythical wings background photo setup' on the park wall.
I kept the phone down and drifted off to sleep.... I have a long day tomorrow.

(⁠ ⁠'⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠'⁠)

I stood there, sooo ready to race and call dibs on the window seat. But it isn't like someone is gonna fight me to it.... except Rie.
Rie, I would bulldoze that college of yours, if I could.

Abbie suddenly perked up and started frantically waving at someone......

Some weird guy...... In black.

"Rie!.... Here!" Abbie shouted.

......What did I just hear? Is she going nuts or am I????

Freezing The Summer Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant