A/N + 1000

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Whelp ... here we are. The final quote. This has been such a wild ride and I would like to thank each and every one of you for reading these along with leaving your positive words and votes.

The first one is at a whopping 123K reads and 4K votes. Never saw numbers so high for any of my works. The sequel is at 62K reads and 2.7K votes, which is also pretty good. The third is at almost 38K reads and 1K votes. The fourth got numbers back up a bit with almost 25K reads and 1.2K votes. And this one is currently at 16K reads and 1.2K votes.

So again, thank you all so much. And with that, let's finish this series strong.

Harry: I think I might be gay.

Chucky: And my soul is trapped in a doll. What else is new, asthma face?

Harry: **gets flustered and starts screaming** WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?!

Angela, pointing to Harry while holding an imaginary microphone, reporting the "news" as Carrie films her with her phone: And here we have a raging homo committing a hate crime against an upstanding citizen. Please stay clear of this black masked, gray eyed demon if you see him in your neighborhood. Stay sexy, America!

Carrie: Pfft, that reminds me of that one vine. Hehe, we're lesbians.

Angela: Only on Saturdays, my friend.

Chucky: **running for his fucking life as Harry chases him** IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOU'RE IN DENIAL AND QUEER!!

Freddy, watching from afar: **mumbling** "In denial and queer." I want that on a shirt, that would make big bucks.

Harry: I'LL KILL YOU!!

Ghostface, having witnessed the whole thing from afar: **approaches Jason and Michael, who are also watching from afar** Is Harry having a gaysis again?



Jason: A what?

Ghostface, not missing a beat in explaining: He has it every other week where he says he's gay and then a day later he takes it back. It usually happens after we make out. I told him that he could also be bi, which is totally valid, but he keeps ignoring me. I think he's got some internalized homophobia going on, so we should try and support him however we can.

Jason: Y'all... made out?

Ghostface: **nods**

Michael: WITHOUT ME?!

Incorrect Slasher Quotes 5Where stories live. Discover now