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The girl frowned and took a sip from the champagne glass with a grim face. She watched the gentlemen preening their feathers like peacocks and the ladies obediently listening or chatting.

Pathetic. Deplorable. Stupid.

But who was she to complain?

Only a few hours she is on board and regrets her choice. Suffering is certain. Everything is so boring and posh.

'''Maybe I'm missing a glass, but you're not missing it, even with beauty,'' the dark-haired youth flirted. The girl turned directly to him and looked him over. From his cocky smile to his attitude.

She smirked and replied. ''It's not just your glass that you're missing. You probably lost your manners along the way."

He feigned injury and held his heart. ''I am offended. I happen to be very well mannered. You could almost say I come from medieval times."

''Almost,'' the girl said under her breath and started to leave. Or at least she tried to.

The boy grabbed the girl's hand and turned her around and she ended up in his arms. Their heads were a little apart, they could feel each other's warm breath.

The boy held her by the waist and lightly grabbed her fingers with his other hand. He pulled them to his mouth, almost kissing them. He motioned for a kiss, looking into her eyes. ''Allow me to introduce myself, my lady. I'm Kol and could you be?"

The girl blushed slightly, it was almost unnoticeable. She smirked and replied. ''You will have to earn my name.''

''Perfect,'' he smiled brightly at her. ''I like a challenge, but I should warn you, I always win.''

''I don't expect anything else,'' and she offered him a sincere little smile for the first time.

Maybe it won't be so bad...



Rebekah giggled and poured cold water on Kol. Not even a second later, he quickly got up from the bed and pressed her against the wall, holding his arm around her neck.

"Rebekah..." he growled under his breath before he released her and she smiled boldly at him.

"Do you know how much I missed you?" she smiled at him. "Nik and Elijah aren't fun. They would always—"

Kol interrupted her. "Rebekah I'm not in the mood so if I were you I'd leave before I break your neck.''

"Fine...fine," she rolled her eyes and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her and a bang echoed throughout the house.

"Rebekah! That door didn't do anything to you!"

Kol closed his eyes and fell behind him on the bed. He felt cold around him.

Cold water...


Deafening silence.

He opened his eyes and you could see fear in them. His pupils turned a darker color and his mind wandered between memories. His lips began to tremble.

He immediately headed to the bathroom and turned on the shower. The bathroom filled with steam in no time as he looked in the mirror and saw only a shell of the man he once was.

He shook his head and stripped naked and stepped under the stream, groaning at the boiling temperature of the water before finding comfort in it. The pain he felt from the burn dulled the pain of the memories.

Soon he was walking in jeans and a t-shirt up the stairs behind his beloved family.

Ignoring what was going on around him, he headed to the fridge, where he took a bag of blood, which he immediately started drinking.

"Kol! Come here, please," his mother called to him. He rolled his eyes at her request, he already wants her dead again.

He walked into the living room where he also found his siblings surrounded by people. It looked like something was about to happen.

He looked at his mother with a question written all over his face. "Yes mother?"

She gave him a forced smile before walking over to him. "There will be a ball in honor of our family reunification. These people here will help you choose your suit."

He took a step away from her and said. "I think I'm still capable of dressing myself. I'm not a child, mother."

She winced slightly at the venom in his words. She took a deep breath to keep her composure. "I know Kol. Just please do it. People will start arriving in a few hours, we all need to be dressed nicely," she looked at all her children and smiled as she said. "Don't make trouble tonight... for me. ''

She said her last words and looked at Kol, who right now wanted to kill her on the spot, but his family wouldn't be too fond of him, but then again, they never had, they didn't. Even though his head was filled with ideas on how to ruin tonight's perfect evening, he just smiled and answered her now. "Of course mother."

Satisfied, the woman left the room, leaving behind her children, who did not comment on what they saw, but none of them knew that they had done the same thing, so they let it go with the excuse that they had dreamed it.

But it was more than an illusion.

Dark brown eyes watched the woman leave and smirked. However, when he looked back, the forced people started working again and one of them walked up to him and led him in front of the mirror before taking his measurements.

And the endless torture continued...


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