Chapter 12: Caught and Apart

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*Aang and Suki after Sokka, Toph, and Katara left the campsite to find Kuai and Zuko* They watched the three run off into the woods. Aang sat near the fire and Suki paced in circles around the site.

Aang: Sooo...what are we gonna do while they're gone.

Suki sat opposite Aang at the fire.

Suki: You never know what may come up, you know?

Aang: I guess.

They sat silently, sighs erupting occasionally from either of them, only the tweet of birds could be heard. Suddenly, they felt the rumble again, and Suki grabbed her fans for defense.

Suki: Aang, climb that tree. Bring you glider, they can't find that. Go!

Aang climbed into a tall tree, Appa and Momo flew away in fear, and the Rough Rhinos emerged from a burning part of the forest. They chuckled when the man with chains caught Suki and put her on the komodo-rhino. She screamed but no one heard her. Aang attempted to glide away but the archer shot an arrow at his robe and he was stuck to the tree. The group pulled him down from the tree, chained him, and put him on a different rhino than Suki.

The Rough Rhino leader, Colonel Mongke, burned down the entire campsite and they all rode away. And Aang's staff remained up the tree.

Suddenly, a weird smelling gas appeared in clouds above Aang and Suki's faces, and they passed out in a couple of seconds.

*5 hours later, in an unknown, secret prison* Aang woke up with an enormous headache, his vision was blurry but almost instantly cleared. He shook Suki awake and they silently crawled towards the metal door and peered through a small window. There were Fire Nations guards walking back and forth through the hallway.

Suki: These soldiers are so dumb!

Aang: What are you talking about?

Suki: SHHH! *They crawled to the wall and whispered* This floor is made of dirt. You could earthbend us out of here, or the cell at least.

Aang stomped on the floor with his eyes closed to see where everything led. He opened his eyes with a disappointed look.

Aang: There's another cell below us, and it's floor is metal because there's none under it. The rest of every wall is metal too. There's no escape.

Suki: Oh, man. We'll just have to wait for Sokka and them to come get us out.

Aang: How do you know they'll be able to find us?

Suki: They always do, don't they?

*In present time, with the rest of the Gaang on the road* Zuko tied the food and water supplies to Ming's small saddle and helped Kuai up. Sokka giggled behind them and Toph punched him. Katara stood at Ming's head, petting her nose.

Zuko: There's only room for three, and we have five people. What do we do?

Katara: How about boys walk?

Kuai: As much as I'd be okay with that, it's not a good idea.

Toph: Why not?

Kuai: Ming goes up to 20 times faster than someone running. And we can't leave the wanted-dead-or-alive-prince with a non-bender!

Toph: True that.

Sokka: HEY! I could defend Zuko!

Zuko: Dude, no you couldn't.

Katara: How about you lovebirds walk and the three of us ride?

Toph: Good idea, Katara! That way we don't have to go through their gross love-fests.

Zuko: Shut up Toph.

Kuai: This is the best idea though. We'll go east, you guys can go west.

Katara: Sounds like a plan to me.

Sokka: Move out troops!

Toph: Would you just shut up for once, Sokka?


So, yesterday and today I updated. I know you would've probably wanted more romance, but Aang and Suki's capture was necessary so that Kuai and Zuko would be #alonetogether #falloutboy

Stay tuned for more Zuai magic!

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