Chapter 3: No More Field Trips

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Waking up the next morning, Zuko was shocked to see that his arms were wrapped completely around Kuai's body. She was sound asleep, looking so adorable against his chest. He didn't want to disrupt her sleep, so he slowly and carefully eased his way away from her. He got dressed in different robes and left the tent, when he heard a loud yawn come from behind him. He peeked back into the tent and saw Kuai sitting up under the blanket, her hair messy and tangled. She squinted up at Zuko with a sleepy smile, and his heart melted. That moment couldn't have been more cute. He came into the tent.

Kuai: Good Morning, cutie.

Zuko: Why do you feel the need to call me that?

Kuai: Cause it's true! You're cute and you can't deny it.

Zuko: Whatever. He blushed, and walked over to her after she got dressed. You're cute too, don't forget that.

Kuai: Wow, flirt much?

Zuko: Come on, the gang is waiting for us. It's breakfast time.

Kuai started walking but Zuko stopped in front of her before they left the tent and she crashed into his back. Zuko turned around and stared into her blue eyes, and wrapped his arms around her waist. Kuai put her arms over his shoulders.

Zuko: I'm sorry about what I said yesterday. Kuai nustled her head into his chest. I really like you.

Kuai: I really like you too.

She lifted her head and looked into his eyes, golden and tired. He leaned down and kissed her, and she (of course) kissed him back. They kissed for a couple seconds when Toph shouted through the quiet.

Toph: HEY LOVEBIRDS! Come get food before Sokka eats it all! Zuko and Kuai departed and walked out of the tent.

Zuko/Kuai: Fine!

They sat down in the circle together, and the gang discussed Katara and Zuko's recent voyage. Kuai really didn't listen. She didn't care much.

Aang: Guys, can we make an agreement?

Everyone: What is it?

Aang: No more field trips with Zuko. It's been taking up a lot of my firebending training time.

Suki/Katara: Sure, I guess.

Toph: Whatever you say, TwinkleToes.

Sokka: Aw, man! Well...fine. I already had my field trip.

Zuko: Can I have one more? Please?

Aang: What? You usually don't like them.

Zuko: Aang, can I speak to you for a minute? Alone?

Aang: Uh, sure...

They walked away from the campsite and into the nearby forest. Zuko went behind a tree and Aang followed. As soon as Aang was out of the group's sight, Zuko grabbed him by the robe.

Zuko: If I have to do anything...ANYTHING at all, you will let Kuai come with me.

Aang: But, the training...

Zuko: You'll learn the advanced set on Ember Island.

Aang: Oh. Sorry. You like her don't you?

Zuko: Yeah, He loosened his grip. I really do.

Aang: That's how I feel about Katara. Give me space and I'll give you yours.

Zuko: Agreed. He didn't actually care what he had said.

Zuko fixed up Aang's clothes to leave no evidence of the threatening. They walked back to the group, and Katara questioned.

Katara: What was that about?

Zuko: Just guy stuff. He sat next to Kuai and poured tea for the gang.

Katara: It was awfully quiet...

They all finished up breakfast and cleaned up, and began training. Aang was busy with Toph doing earthbending. Zuko was practicing the 'dancing dragon' by himself. Suki and Sokka know. And Katara was in the shallow river practicing her waterbending. Kuai sat on a rock, all alone. Katara stopped bending and walked over to her.

Katara: Hey Kuai! Why don't you hop in the water and show me what you've got?

Kuai: I don't feel like it.

Katara: You can bring Ming.

Kuai: LET'S DO IT!!! Kuai ran off and got her mongoose-lizard and let her play around in the river. She started bending the water to and from Kuai.

Kuai: I know you don't really like me...

Katara: That's not true!

Kuai: Yes it is! You never look me in the eye, and if you do it's usually a scowl. Do you have a crush on Zuko or something?

Katara: What?! No! I like...Aang. BUT DON'T TELL ANYONE!

Kuai: Okay, okay, I won't. Geez, I was only teasing.


I actually am a Zutara supporter, not a Kataang fan. But for the situation of TLOK to work, Zuai is perfect and now I'm fangirling over my own writing...what's happening to me?!

Stay tuned for more Zuai stuff!!!


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