Chapter 5

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(alright I'm going to try writing my own episode which will add another character to my story. I found this legend that I will use as my supernatural creature but I'm going to change it slightly to fit the story. Hope you like). 

Noah, a four year old boy, was hiding in the trunk of a tree from the scary lady outside

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Noah, a four year old boy, was hiding in the trunk of a tree from the scary lady outside. She had been chasing him for a while, calling to him with a sweet voice but it just made shivers travel down his spine in distrust. That is until a girl a little older than him had wandered into the forest with a pink backpack on her back. "Why hello there little one" the creepy lady greets the girl sweetly while Noah watches through the gap in the tree. The girl seems a little unsure of herself as she glances round at the trees around them. "Were your parents mean to you? Is that why your here?" The lady asks her seeming eager for the answer. The girl nods her head "they are always busy and when I try to speak to them they shout at me". The lady's grin seems to widen at the answer "why don't you come with me? I promise I will pay attention to you". The little girl takes a fearful step back and shook her head "no thank you. They told me I shouldn't speak to strangers. I think I'll just go back home". The girl tries to turn and walk away but the woman appears in front of her again this time with a scowl on her face. "I don't think so. You're going to stay with me forever and ever". The girl's eyes widen in fear then turns to run away but she doesn't get far. Noah covers his ears and curls in on himself trying to block out the screams with his eyes shut tight. Please, someone help me.

The three Winchesters were in Wyoming investigating some missing children. "That's five children over the last month" Sam notes after they just finished talking to the last couple. "This Lily chambers was the latest one?" Dean questions looking down at the missing persons poster of a black haired six year old girl. Toby nods "yup and they all disappeared in the same forest. The cops manage to track them that far but when they searched the whole forest there's no sign of them". "Well we know where we have to go next" Dean states before they all climb into the Impala and drive off towards the forest. 

The three hunters carefully made their way through the woods that night with shotguns in hand. Barely a tweet was heard from the birds and there was very little movement from the creatures on the ground. "The animals are scared" Sam notices glancing around at their surroundings for anything strange. "Something has definitely got them spooked" Toby agrees with the youngest Winchester. A stick cracks to the left causing the three of them to spin round and point their guns in that direction. They each see a small figure quickly hide behind a thick tree trunk. Lowering their guns, they share a look between themselves. "It's ok we aren't gonna hurt you, you can come out" Toby gently calls out towards the child. It takes a minute but the child slowly peaks out from behind the tree. He was wearing a dirty blue hoodie with black jeans that held many dirt stains. His light brown hair was a mess with bits of leaves and sticks stuck in it. His eyes shifted between all three of them with a scared and unsure look. "Hello there" Toby greets him while putting his gun on the ground hoping to show the child that he means no harm. The child watches him put down the gun with a weary eye then snaps his eyes back up to his face. "What are you doing out here by yourself?" Sam questions the young boy in concern. "I live here" he tells them quietly. The three hunters share a concerned look between themselves. What was a little boy doing living in the woods alone? 

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