Chapter 10

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In Phoenix Empire, slaves are not allowed to have a surname while palace servants are using their job title as their surname. Because Emperor Dominic did not acknowledge Vladimir as his son when he was born so he did not obtain the imperial family's surname and a princely title. Currently, he is still using his birth mother's surname or it is more accurate to say that he is borrowing his late mother's job title so he would at least have a surname and not be considered a slave...

Margaux secretly pinch her side to stop herself from laughing like a lunatic! She is there to fully gain his trust, loyalty, and obedience. She will help him now and in the future, he will pay... It will not help her cause if she laughs at him now!

"Imperial Father, Imperial Mother, please forgive my brother's behavior! He did not mean it. He was never formally educated or properly taught which is why we should help him and accept him! Brother needs us... He needs love and care from a family... Imperial Father... Imperial Mother... please... " She explained and then used her cutest expression to plead.

The emperor and empress helplessly looked at each other for a moment before Emperor Dominic looked at his little princess lovingly and then nodded, "Okay. Let's do that!" He agreed and next, he stared coldly at the little boy in front of him as he declared, "We will accept you because of our little Margaux... I hope you will not disappoint us... or at least my little princess."

"I will not, Sir!" Vladimir said seriously with all of his heart. He will never disappoint Margaux! He smiled when he recalled his first promise to her earlier...

The emperor ignored him after that and motioned for his little daughter to come to him. That was Margaux's cue to forget the rules and run towards her dear father and pounce on him like a wild cat! The emperor caught the little princess and act like a normal father when he embraced his daughter and tickles her next...

Soon, the throne room was filled with laughter from three people - the emperor who tickles his daughter, the princess who tears up from laughing, and the empress who could not help but laugh at their silliness!

The three of them seem to forget about the other person present at that time. His green eyes are very observant, cold, and penetrating! It does not seem to belong to a child as he looked at the three happy people in front of him...

The little boy secretly clenched his hands and gritted his teeth! He is very mad at the emperor! He could see the emperor's love for his sister is overflowing but why he could not give some of it to him? He would accept it even if he only give him a little portion but he was very unfair to him and his late mother from the day he was born!

How could he spoil Margaux so much while treating me like trash?!!


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