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- Finney feels extremely bad for you having to go through it every month

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- Finney feels extremely bad for you having to go through it every month. May even tear up seeing you in pain.

- He will try his best to make you feel better, like will (try to) make your comfort food, buy anything you may want or just will be your companion.

- Super shy when you ask him to buy pads for you; Strumbles with his words while talking to the pharmacy's lady, may even buy the wrong type of pad due nervousiness. If he does so, would apologize one hundred times after and will go exchange it for you.

- If you have such mood swings after/during your period and needs espace, he will do, even if he doesn't like to be away from you.

- "W-would you like some space, my dear? Or is it fine?"

"You can come closer to me, Finn. I'm not going to bite you!"

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