"Yea sure. Bruce, you want anything?" He asked, to which bruce replied no.

"Can you get me a soda my love?" Robin leaned his head back and flashed a small smile

"Of course," Finney walked off into the kitchen

Everyone around him was wasted, people were carelessly dancing, he could hear the clinking of jewelry smashing together, laughter filled the room almost overpowering the music. He usually hated being in large crowds like this, where he had to squeeze through everyone. But for some reason he felt oddly at home, this all felt right.

He got a red solo cup and filled it up with water for Vance, he grabbed robin a can of coke and started to head back. Everything was fine until he felt a shove on his shoulder, now normally he would've shrugged it off as someone bumping into him, but this was no accident. He turned around and was met face to face with matty.


"What Matty." Finney growled

"Looking a little lonely, huh finn? Where's your little boyfriend?"

"Sitting in the couch in there dipshit," Finney scoffed, pointing in the direction of robin.

Matty laughed, "Surprised he hasn't left your sorry ass yet."

"Fermez votre bouche Matty." Finney warned
(Shut your mouth Matty."

"English fucker."

Finney sighed angrily, he clenched his jaw. He really didn't want to ruin his whole night because of this dumb fucker.

"It's kind of pathetic isn't it?" Matty continued,"Robin Arellano, a fag? It still to this day-" Finney had thrown the drinks on the ground and swung on Matty, punching him square in his jaw. Matty stumbled back against the wall, before Finney threw another punch.

Matty tried punching him back but Finney blocked him and threw him on the ground, climbing ontop of him and punching him repeatedly.

A circle had formed around them at this point, Finney was beating the shit out of Matty, people were cheering him on, others were yelling at Matty to get up. Matty was near unconscious, but Finney didn't care, he was being fueled by the chants around him.

"Holy shit!" He heard a familiar voice yell, it was Griffin.

The whole group stood wide eyed, they knew Finney was capable but they never, ever expected this.

"Finn- FINN STOP!" Robin yelled, running over to Finney and grabbing his wrist to keep him from punching Matty. Finney knocked robin off of him and got off of Matty. He walked away, blood dripping from his knuckles. He left Matty laying in the middle of the floor, he assumed that his friends would come help him eventually.

Robin walked Finney to the bathroom and slammed the door shut, he pulled the supplies he needed out of his bag and got to work.

"What happened?" Robin asked softly, careful not to tick Finney off even more.

"At first he was just shit talking me, but then he said something about you being a fag and I- I just lost it."

"Oh." Robin mumbled. If he was being honest, his heart fluttered at the fact that Finney stood up for him. But he hated seeing Finney hurt, and his knuckles were busted. His hands would be sore for days.

"It's not fair Rob. He gets to push me around and beat me up and shit talk me all he wants and no one says or does anything, but the second I fight back suddenly I'm the monster?!"

"Finn," Robin sighed, "You're not a monster, you have every right to stand up for yourself. And let's be honest, matty deserved that more than anyone."

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