Best day ever

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(Modern day)

Prompt: Finney and Robin adopt a cat together :)

Age: 18-19


Words: 1054

Finney woke up two hours earlier than usual, he spilt his coffee and could barely eat breakfast, Robin told him to calm down but how could he? Today was the day, he was so beyond excited.

Maybe excitement is what caused Finney to go 20 over the speed limit and get pulled over, maybe excitement is what caused him to leave his phone at home, maybe excitement is what caused him to break a lot harder than he should've.

"Jesus Christ Finney relax!" Robin exclaimed laughing slightly, even though it wasn't really funny.

"You're kidding, right?" Finney said frowning.

Robin burst out into a fit of laughter, "Finn my love, relax. She isn't going to be gone by the time we get there."

"Yeah but- I'm like so fucking excited dude you don't even get it!"

"Wow, we're back to 'dude' now?" Robin frowned, putting his hand on his chest.

"Shut up." Finney laughed.

Finney was fidgeting with his fingers at every red light, sighing heavily and looking around. Robin grabbed Finneys hand and placed it in his own.

He kissed Finneys knuckles, not to distract him, but to ease his nerves. His boyfriend always got too deep into whatever emotion he was feeling, but it was especially bad if it was excitement because then Finney would get clumsy and forget the simplest things, or he would get too anxious and accidentally cause himself to slip into a panic attack. Robin found that kissing Finney's knuckles really helped and made it easier to manage.

Robin turned on the radio to a softer tune , he rested his head against the window humming the song, Finney's hand still in his.

"I don't know how you aren't freaking out." Finney spoke up

Robin chuckled, "I am just as excited as you are love, just better at managing it."

Finney huffed, "Teach me your ways."

Robin just smiled softly and continued humming the song. He unknowingly drifted to sleep, just content with his life.

Finney on the other hand was still mentally freaking out, he had calmed himself down a little but damn, he did not expect it to hit him this hard. For some reason he was super anxious, what if he want good enough? What if he accidentally hurt her? What if she got super sick and he couldn't pay the vet bills? All the what ifs clouded his mind.

He glanced over and saw that Robin was fast asleep, his hair from his ponytail fell out in front of his face, Finney swore that they're wasn't a more beautiful thing.

They soon arrived to the adoption center, Finney frantically parked and shook robin wake.

"Rob!! Cmon we're here!!" Finney exclaimed

Robin slowly opened his eyes and stretched.

"Alright alright, just give me a sec."

Robin redid his hair in the review mirror and started to put his rings back on.

"Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me." Finney muttered. He abruptly got out of the car, Robin asked what he was doing but got no answer, that was until Finney had physically picked him up out of the car, and carried him to the door.

"I was almost done." Robin huffed

"Yeah yeah whatever come on!" Finney said walking through the door. Robin just laughed and followed along, he let Finney do all the talking and let him check them in, let him do the paperwork and pay the money.

And that's when they got her, Finneys eyes lit up and he reached out for her. The small kitten immediately ran over to him and rubbed on his hands. Finney laughed and picked her up.
She was white with brown spots scattered across her fur and she was so extremely soft.

"What do you want to name her my love?" Robin asked, hugging funny from behind.

"I don't know, I kind of like Elle." Finney replied softly.

"I like it, Elle it is."

Finney smiled, took robins hand, and walked out to the car with Elle curled up in his chest.

The drive home was peaceful, Robin of course had to hold Elle because Finney was driving, but he didn't mind at all. He already grew close to her, he would play with her by tickling her stomach which resulted in her chewing on his finger. When they weren't playing, Elle was in robins arms, fast asleep.

Once they got home it was around 7:30, meaning dinner time, setting up Elle's area, and going to bed.

"My love?" Robin spoke up


"It's late, can we get take out for tonight?"

"Yea of course, pick a place to go and just get me something you think I'd like, I'll go ahead and set this up for Elle."

"You sure?"

"Yes Rob, just be safe okay?"

"Of course." Robin smiled and pressed a soft kiss against Finneys lips.

Finney sat home, building her cat tree, setting up her crate with a bunch of toys, a cushion, and a blanket, then he put down the littler box in the bathroom. He went around and cleaned, and put everything that he though or knew could be harmful to Elle, away.

He was satisfied with what he had done and sat on the couch, turning on the tv. Some cheesy romance movie came on but he didn't mind much, he just watched it.

He heard the door open and turned his head to be greeted with Robin and a bag of some fast food restaurant.

"I got food at that chicken place, I've never had it before and figured we could try it?"

Finney laughed, "of course, come sit down?"

Robin smiled and nodded, heading over to the couch with the food. As soon as Robin sat down, Elle jumped on him.

"Hey girl." He whispered, petting her softly. He handed Finney the food so he could move Elle off to his side.

After they were done eating, Finney and Robin cuddled together on the couch with Elle laying with them. Finney's head was on robins lap and Robin had his arm around Finney, Elle was in front of Finney and she cuddled up into him.

Robin and Elle eventually fell asleep, leaving Finney awake. Finney was at peace, he had all he could ever need and want in life, he knew he had never been happier.


May have mistakes 🫶🏻🫶🏻(bc I started writing this while high 😍)


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