Chapter Forty-One: Cutting The Strings

Start from the beginning

Harry definitely wished that was a thing at Hogwarts given how many times students got in trouble for no reason other than another student accusing them even if there was no proof. That happened a number of times in Potions. A Slytherin student would accuse a student of another house of sabotaging their potion, even when it was just them doing poorly at making it, and Snape would instantly take the Slytherin's side and punish the accused student. No proof at all.

"My dear..." Dumbledore was interrupted by Jiwe.

"I have told you before, Dumbledore," she glared at him. "I am not your 'dear' anything. I am Ms.Jiwe, Headmistress Jiwe, or Madam Jiwe to you. Nothing more and nothing less."

Harry was liking Headmistress Jiwe more and more with every passing second.

"Madam Jiwe," Dumbledore was obviously trying to hide that he was not happy about being told off by her. "Harry is my student and he should be punished for what he did to Professor Snape."

"That man is not a professor," Crystal stated, determination in her voice. "If anything, he is the furthest thing from a professor that I have ever seen in my life. The way he behaves makes me question the sanity of anyone that ever says that he is a teacher. He can not seem to go two minutes without insulting Mr.Potter in some way. He is a menace, not a professor!"

"Severus has my complete trust," Dumbledore said as if that solved everything that Professor Gold had just said.

"Well, he certainly does not have mine," Crystal says, crossing her arms. "Mr.Potter and Miss.Gardna were doing their chosen potion perfectly when Snape decided that his unneeded and unwanted opinion had to be heard. I am sick and tired of how he treats the students. I have lost count of the number of times that I have had to stop myself from freezing him where he stood."

"Professor Gold is right," Melody spoke up. "Snape is nothing but a big bully. I have no idea why he feels like he needs to target Harry because Harry certainly has done nothing to deserve it. I've met demons that are nicer than Snape. And demons literally do not have souls."

"My dear girl, you are obviously exaggerating," Dumbledore said. "Professor Snape is a great teacher."

"Were you dropped on your head or something," Melody raised an eyebrow. "I have only just met the man this year and yet even I know that a wild monkey probably would be a better teacher than him."

"Miss.Gardna," Jiwe gave her student a look that made Melody calm down. "Now, please tell us what happened."

"Well, as Professor Gold already said, Snape really can never go two minutes without insulting me," Harry explains what happened. "Melody and I had been working on our potion, just as we were told to do."

"What potion did you two choose to do," Jiwe asked. "Knowing which potion it was will help us reverse what happened."

"We chose to make the animal conjuring potion that we learned last year, Headmistress," Melody tells her. "But, the potion was not finished when Harry threw it at that disgusting excuse of a human being. That was probably why it changed him into an animal instead of summoning one."

The headmistress nodded, showing her understanding. Harry then continued his explanation.

"We had been going perfectly with the potion," he continued. "Melody helped me with the things that I had difficulty with. Snape suddenly had come up to us and started to insult me as he always does. I have never known Snape to ever be able to say anything other than insults to me. One of his favorite things to do is to call me arrogant while also insulting my father since he is always saying 'arrogant Potter just like your father.' As Melody said, the man is nothing but a bully."

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